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That known as La Justice, near Beaumont-sur-Oise, consists of a small vestibule and a very long mortuary chamber, separated by a slab pierced with a round opening.

The daylight only entered from a belvedere in the roof, the four sides of which had been covered with leaden plates, each of which was pierced with seven holes, forming a cross, thus: * Now, the light being only admitted through these holes, the obscurity would have been complete, had it not been for a lamp, which burned on a large massive slab of black marble, fixed against one of the walls.

Under the arch on the north side of the presbytery, opposite Day's tomb, is that of Bishop Christopherson or Curteys , and against the wall of the aisle near the chapel of S. Catharine is a curious marble slab with some carving upon it.

On the wall of the north transept is a large painted figure of St Christopher. In the south transept Izaak Walton rests beneath a black marble slab in Prior Silkstede's chantry.

Gloria lay inert; she chewed slowly at a bit broken from a slab of hard chocolate and kept her eyes closed. Her face was very white; two big tears of distress slipped out from the shut lids. But King did not come close enough to see them. When his coffee was ready he called to her, saying indifferently: "Better have a cup. It helps." But Gloria did not reply.

Since the change in our commander, however, he had been another man always silent and reserved, but brighter, happier, and with a manner so improved as to make it hard to recognize him for the same awkward, ungainly slab of a fellow that had bungled everything he put his hand to.

The window was truly worthy of a mediæval castle, for it was simply an oblong hole, boxed in with a casement made from some scraps of boards, while a slab shutter, swung on leather hinges, shut out the elements. The chinking was a simple matter, and when it was all done, including a doorway into the main room, Robin was unfeignedly delighted.

Neither could speak for the great tears that rolled down their grim faces, but Sir Bedevere drew him forth and led him to where a great white marble slab was lying, freshly cut, in the midmost part of the chapel. Thereon Sir Lancelot saw the words, cut deep and wide, in black letters: HIC JACET

Two dozen extra tumblers, and four ditto wine-glasseslooking anything but transparent, with little bits of straw in them on the slab in the passage, just arrived.

But what I was going to say, when I spoke of the rock being suspended, was, that in the floor of the cavern under it they showed us a slab which they said covered a hole which was a thing of extraordinary interest to all Mohammedans, because that hole leads down to perdition, and every soul that is transferred from thence to Heaven must pass up through this orifice.