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I'll just watch out to see that everything's all right with you, and then I'll skidoo. Dear me, I hope I don't look so awfully unlike the Marleys as to frighten Cousin Julia?" Had she said the Pritchards, Elsie would have been in a quandary; as it was, her face brightened. "She never knew the Marleys, and there aren't any now," she said. "She knows only the Pritchards." "Hooray!

Consequently you must be fed slow an' cautious." "Oh, fudge! What's th' good of a guy bein' a invalid if a guy can't feed when he wants to?" "What's a hundred an' ninety-one from twenty-three?" enquired Mrs. Trapes. "Skidoo!" murmured Spike sulkily. But after Mrs. Trapes had subtracted and added busily he spoke again. "You ain't such a bad old gink sometimes," he conceded. "Gink?" said Mrs.

"And so the book you handed me, to plight our troth," with ire said she, "you bought from Charlie here on tick? Skidoo! A deadbeat makes me sick! I'll never marry any jay who can't dig up two cents a day!" "I have a bundle in the bank," said Charles, as on his knee he sank, "and all of it is yours to blow, so let us to the altar go."

Izzy, do you think it's so nice that a grown man should tease his little sister?" "I'll be glad when he goes out on his Western trip next week." "Skidoo, you little imp!" She tossed her head in high-spirited distemper and flounced through the doorway.

"No; they didn't discuss ways an' means, but they said as how ther boss, they mentioned his name, but it's clear got erway from me, hed riz up on his hind legs an' hed give it out straight to ther gang thet ez long ez we wuz in ther country they couldn't do no good fer theirselfs, consequentially we must skidoo, ez they needed this part o' ther country fer their own elbowroom.

She was neither beautiful nor graceful, she was not young nor was she very clean. Her usual condition was dishevelled, her face was all askew, and when she dressed up she looked like a valentine. Her greatest weakness was a propensity for smashing dishes, and when reprimanded she would threaten to take her traps and skidoo. This news of the arrival of a daughter failed to fill her with enthusiasm.

I'm shy with the mazume, and it looks now as if that little trip to the minister's will have to be postponed indefinitely." "Skidoo, skidoo, and quit me, Mr. Josheimer!" I suggested. "I mean it, John," Bunch came back. "I can't lead a girl like Alice Grey into the roped arena of matrimony when I haven't the price of an omelette for the wedding breakfast, now can I?"

He is much too clever to be caught in the open in this country." "Perhaps he'll skidoo," said Dr. Martin hopefully. "No, he's not that kind," replied the Superintendent. "You can't scare him out. You have got to catch him or kill him." "I think you are right, sir," said Cameron. "He will stay till his work is done or till he is made to quit."

"What d'ye mean?" cried Flatbush, springing to his feet. "I mean thet I don't trust yer none. I think ye're a skunk, an' I don't like ter see yer face eround this yere camp. How much do this outfit owe yer?" "Three months' wage," answered the cow-puncher sourly. Bud went down into his leather pouch and extracted a roll of bills, and skinned off several. "Thar it is. Skidoo!

Robert don't show up at closin' time, I chases down to the curb and sings out, "Hey, Frenchy, you tip huntin' ex-waiter! It's back to the garage for yours! And say! After you've run your old coal cart into the shed you can go let yourself out as a sign for a fur store. Ah, that's right. Nothin' doin' here. Skidoo!"