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"If anythink, I should say it partakes of the diabolic; so you've got no occasion to make it wus than it is by twistin' it about like that. Wotever do you do it for?" Little Jim replied by a sound which can only be represented by the letters "sk," pronounced in the summit of the nose.

If they could have seen the inconceivably idiotic expressions of their countenances when they tried it, they would never have made a second effort! "Wot a jolly lark!" said Little Jim, prefacing the remark with another "sk." "Ha!" replied the Bloater, with a frown that implied the pressure of weighty matters on his mind.

He pointed to the returning engine, and looked at Little Jim with solemnity; whereupon Jim displayed all his teeth, nodded approval of the sentiment, and "sk!" "Little Jim," continued the Bloater, shaking his head gravely, "they do say them as knows best, or thinks they does, which is all the same that there's wit in silence; if so, it appears to me that you tries to be too witty at times."

His best days were clearly over: as the gardeners say, he had gone to seed. He began reading the inscriptions on the walls the ordinary distraction of weary travellers; suddenly the door creaked and the superintendent came in. 'There are no horses for Sk , and there won't be any for a long time, he said, 'but here are some ready to go to V . 'To V ? said Rudin.

"How do you spell squirrel?" asked a sharp-featured boy one day, as he watched the twinkling eyes of one of the tiny creatures. Simon drew his brows together over his mild eyes, with a mighty effort at thinking. "How do you spell squirrel?" he repeated. "How do you spell it? Well; you begin with an sk, of course and then there's a w.

Old Man said, "Teach me how to do that"; and they told him what to do, and put him in the fire, and covered him up with the ashes, and after a little while he said sk, sk, like a prairie-dog, and they pulled him out again. Then he did it to the prairie-dogs.

Old Man said, "Little brothers, teach me how to do that." The prairie-dogs told him what to do, and put him in the fire and covered him up with the ashes, and after a little time he said, "sk, sk," like a prairie-dog, and they pulled him out again. Then he did it to the prairie-dogs.

"Let me see," said he, muttering to himself as he paused beside the Marble Arch at Hyde Park, and leaned his head against the railings of that structure; "Mr Auberly has been an' ordered two boys to be sent to him to-morrow forenoon ha! he! sk!" An' my mother has ordered one o' the boys to go, while a tall fireman has ordered the other.