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He arranged a block of wood for a plate and stepped off so many paces and placed another piece of wood to mark the pitcher's box. Then he donned the mitt. "Peg, somethin's comin' off. I know it. I never make mistakes in sizin' up pitchers. But I've had such hard luck this season that I can't believe my own eyes. We've got to prove it. Now you go out there and pitch to me.

Ull, if I may marry Doris?" We wa'n't lookin' for what come next, either of us; her big red face had such a hard, sullen look on it, like she knew we was sizin' her up and meant to show us she didn't give a hoot what we thought. But as Westy finishes and bows real respectful, holdin' out his hand friendly, the change come.

"Which he'd shore petered right thar, a prey to badgers, if it ain't for a cowpuncher he's one of Old Man Enright's riders who comes romancin' along an' is attracted to the spot by some cattle who's prancin' an' waltzin' about, sizin' Coyote up as he's layin' thar, an' snortin' an' curvin' their tails in wonder at the spectacle.

You'd be less afflicted by disagreeable surprises if you'd freeze to the last idee; an' you'd lay up money besides. "But that's the notion I'm aimin' to convey; Toothpick is too quick. His intellects, it looks like, is on eternal tip-toe to get in a stack. "'He's too simooltaneous, is Toothpick, says Jack Moore once, when him an' Boggs is discoursin' together, sizin' up Toothpick.