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But if you want to set me free so bery bad, and feel so 'stremely bad 'bout my sitiation, if you'll jist walk into de house, an' offer to buy me ob my Master, you can get me, I 'spect, because I ain't one ob de best niggers in the world, an' I'll jist try dis freedom you talk ob, for awhile. "'Buy you! sez he, wavin' of his white hand at an orful rate, 'nebber!

Neb will make no step-husband, I can promise you." "Don't be in a hurry, Masser Mile," said Dido, with an eagerness that showed this ready consent was anything but what she wanted. "Dere many 'jection to Neb, when he ask to marry a young gal in Chloe sitiation. You know, sah, Chloe now Miss Grace's own waitin'-maid.

After you left me, I began to generalize over my sitiation, and I says to myself, says I, 'Moses Marble, them lads will never consent to sail and leave you here, on this island, alone like a bloody hermit, says I. 'If you want to hold on, says I, 'and try your hand at a hermitage, says I, 'or to play Robinson Crusoe, says I, 'you must be out, of the way when the Crisis, sails' boys, what's become of the old ship?

It seems that they who have no mothers, have money, and they who have no money, have mothers." I waited a moment for Marble to recover his self-command, and then urged him to continue his story. "I was telling you how I generalized over my sitiation," resumed the ex-mate, "as soon as I found myself alone in the hut.

The first sitiation iver I held it was a hold hancient habbey, wi' the biggest orchard o' apples an' pears you ever see there was a French valet, an' he stool silk stoockins, an' shirts, an' rings, an' iverythin' he could ley his hands on, an' run awey at last wi' th' missis's jewl-box. They're all alaike, them furriners. It roons i' th' blood. 'Well, said Mrs.