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The first lieutenant, an elderly, weather-beaten, gentlemanly looking person, now came on deck. I had a letter for him from my sister’s husband-elect, which I gave him.

Gradually this feeling wore away, for she appeared greatly changed. There was a softness, a gentleness, in her manner, which seemed to Dr. Lacey like Fanny, and then her voice, too, was so like her sister’s that ere long she ceased to be disagreeable to him, and instead of avoiding her society, as at first he had done, he now sought it. Julia saw her advantage, and determined to follow it up.

When Mr Verloc returned to sit in his place, like the very embodiment of silence, the character of Mrs Verloc’s stare underwent a subtle change, and Stevie ceased to fidget with his feet, because of his great and awed regard for his sister’s husband. He directed at him glances of respectful compassion. Mr Verloc was sorry.

While eager to be admitted to the full privileges of her vocation, she did not wish to enter Port Royal empty-handed. She thought herself free to endow it with the share of her father’s fortune which had fallen to her, and seems not to have doubted her brother’s and sister’s concurrence in this act of liberality.

‘Yes; I should like to see your improvements in the garden.’ ‘And how your sister’s roots have prospered in my charge,’ added she, as she opened the gate. And we sauntered through the garden, and talked of the flowers, the trees, and the book, and then of other things. The evening was kind and genial, and so was my companion.

I remember so well, on one such occasion, after the walls and doors of the drawing-room had been lined with mirrors, my sister’s laughing speech tothe master”: “I believe papa, that when you become an angel your wings will be made of looking-glass and your crown of scarlet geraniums.” And here I would like to correct an error concerning myself.

These little things annoyed Julia excessively, and numerous were the lectures given in secret to Fanny, who would laugh merrily at her sister’s distress and say she really wished her father would dine some day at Mrs. Crane’s table. "Heaven forbid that he should!" said Julia. "I should be mortified to death." "They would not mind his oddities," said Fanny, "for I overheard Mrs.

Then she shut the door quickly and went down the hall to her sister’s room to enter upon her new life. She was literally putting off herself and putting on a new being as far as it was possible to do so outwardly. There on the bed lay the bridal outfit. Madam Schuyler had just brought it from the spare room that there might be no more going back and forth through the halls to excite suspicion.

Stafford said, "Your sister’s name was Fanny, I believe." "Yes, ’twas; who told you?" asked Mr. Middleton. "No one. I knew it myself," answered Mr. Stafford, looking his brother earnestly in the face. Mr. Middleton seemed puzzled, and after closely scrutinizing Mr. Stafford’s features, he said, "Confound it, am I in a nightmare?

It wasonly to close observers that Celia’s dress differed from her sister’s,” and had “a shade of coquetry in its arrangements.” Dorothea’splain dressing was due to mixed conditions, in most of which her sister shared.” They were both influenced bythe pride of being ladies,” of belonging to a stock not exactly aristocratic, but unquestionablygood.” The very quotation of the word good is significant and suggestive.