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Literally, it is true that the American people have been sired by the masters and would-be masters of the modern earth. A Place in the Sun The Americans, like many another growing people, have sought a place in the sun widening their boundaries; grasping at promised riches. Unlike other peoples they have accomplished the task without any real opposition.

And yet, such is the fact! After an exchange of letters and in response to his kind invitation, I called at his office, and as he grasped my hand I felt that I had found a friend how great a friend I did not then know. The first call was followed by many others, and I was always welcomed with the cordial greeting that is born of sincerity and sired by true friendship.

'Out of' the gutter, 'sired by' Kicks. You never see a little yeller, mongol, cur-dog, sir, that's yellerer or cur-er than him. I'd bet my life his line ain't never been crossed by anythin' different, since the first pup o' them all set out to run his legs off tryin' to get rid o' the tin-can tied to his tail.

Terry, for her part, told herself and any one else who cared to listen, that he was a Packard, hence to be distrusted, avoided, considered as beneath a white person's notice. His breed were all crooked. Sired and grandsired by precious scoundrels, he was but what was to be expected. And yet

Another contributor writes: "The lack of means is a lupine ghost sired by the same spectre as the lack of health, and both must be met and put to flight by the same mighty weapons of our spiritual warfare." In the files of the Journal there are many reports of the material prosperity of individual Christian Scientists.

Well, the poor Make-believe had to vanish. The last time he travelled to Boulogne it was in a military train. He had a batman who looked after his luggage. He wore a baton and sword on his shoulder-straps. Only now, a civilian in a packed mass of civilians, did he recognize what a mighty personage he then was a cock of the walk, saluted, "sired," treated with deference.

I have been writing all day, to be sure and get everything in, and now Sharon is twenty-four hours ago, and here there are roses, gardens, and many nice houses at the way-stations. Oh, George Washington, father of your country, what a brindled litter have you sired! But here the moral reflections begin again, and I copy no more diary. Mrs. Brewton liked my names for the twins.

Jackdaw had a wonderful record, having, during a long show career, never been beaten in his class from start to finish, and having won many valuable prizes. He was credited with being the most perfect Dachshund that had ever been seen in England, and probably as good as anything in Germany. Ch. Jackdaw was a black and tan dog, bred and owned by Mr. Harry Jones, of Ipswich. He was sired by Ch.