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He is an epicure in human agony and likes to enjoy it in long slow sips. It is for the end of the march that the accumulation of horrors is reserved; the victims by the way are usually despatched quickly; and in the case of Mrs. Rowlandson's captors their irregular and circuitous march indicates that they were on the alert.

She shook her head; he still held the glass poised; her eyes met his; she made a feeble sort of protest, then took the glass and drank off the liqueur in little sips. "Gad, that puts fat on the bones, and gives the gay heart!" he said. "Doesn't it, though?" She laughed quietly. Her nature was warm, and she had the animal-like fondness for physical ease and content.

Give frequent sips of hot water. It will be well also to use the cold injection, as it will be found to take good effect whenever the vital force has been increased by the hot packing.

"Has it ever occurred to you, young man, that human nature has its selfish moments?" asked the high-church rector between sips of claret and water. "Has it ever occurred to you that human nature has any but selfish moments?" replied Bernal. "If so, your impression was incorrect." "Really, Mr. Linford, have you not just been telling us how glorious is this nature of man "

A half pint more she used to rinse her own mouth and moisten the nostrils of the pony. The few sips left were held in reserve. Scant as was the water ration, it enabled both the girl and Lennon to suck at lumps of raw bacon. They lay silently mouthing and chewing the greasy fat, their rifles ready and their ears alert for the slightest thud of approaching hoofs.

The Cardinal poured some water into a tumbler, added a lump of sugar and a spoonful of pomegranate seeds, stirred the mixture till it became rose-coloured, and drank it off in a series of little sips. "What is the matter, Beatrice?" he asked, all at once. Beatrice raised her eyes, perplexed. "The matter ? Is anything the matter?" "Yes," said the Cardinal; "something is the matter.

He took a seat. "Cigar, Spike?" "Sure. T'anks, Mr. Chames." Jimmy lit his pipe. Spike, after a few genteel sips, threw off his restraint and finished the rest of his glass at a gulp. "Try another," suggested Jimmy. Spike's grin showed that the idea had been well received. Jimmy sat and smoked in silence for a while. He was thinking the thing over.

The anxious gentlemen draw up their chairs, and turn attentive ears. For nearly an hour, he buzzes and bores the contents of this report into their ears, takes sundry sips of water, and informs those present, and the world in general, that nearly forty thousand dollars have recently been consumed for missionary labor.

What does he know about maple trees and the spring flow of sap? Nothing as a mental concept, as a bit of concrete knowledge. He often finds the sap flowing from a crack or other wound in the limbs of a maple, and he sips it and likes it. Then he sinks his teeth into the limb, as his forbears undoubtedly did.

They were all three hard-lookin' citizens, an' might ha' been anything from bum cowpunchers to " "Sharps," put in Bill, between noisy sips at his coffee. "Yes." Minky watched a number of flies settle on a greasy patch on the bare table. "Y'see," he went on, after a thoughtful pause, "I don't like strangers who don't seem ready tongued none of us do, since the stage-robbin' set in."