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"We are always prepared for fires and explosions here," said Edison in half-apology for the barrenness of the rooms. The place is a maze of retorts, kettles, tubes, siphons and tiny brass machinery. In the midst of the mess stood two old-fashioned armchairs both sacred to Edison. One he sits in, and the other is for his feet, his books, pads and paper.

"In your room eh? What was Scaife, a Lower Boy, doing in your room?" "Lawrence gave him his 'fez' to-day, sir." Lawrence nodded. "Ah! And Scaife was excited, perhaps unduly excited eh?" The Fifth joined in a chorus of, "Yes, sir. Oh, yes, sir awfully excited, sir. Never saw a boy so excited, sir." "That will do. Now, Lovell, go on!" "We had some siphons in our room, sir."

He escaped and, between the main room and the dining-room, penetrated a small den filled with witty young men, old stories, cigarette-smoke, and siphons. Then he charged into the dining-room, where there were candles and plate much like silver and Ruth and Olive at the farther end. He wanted to run forward, take their hands, cry, "At last!" He seemed to hear his voice wording it.

Most of the boys there were about six of them gazed at him in stupefaction. Scaife, very red in the face, burst into shrill shouts of laughter. Somehow the laughter disconcerted John. He forgot to deliver his message, but stood staring at Scaife, quaking with a young boy's terror of the unknown. Upon the table were some siphons, syrups, and the remains of a "spread."

And mind you don't talk about anything serious. Nothing is serious nowadays. At least nothing should be." Hallward shook his head, as he entered, and followed Dorian into the library. There was a bright wood fire blazing in the large open hearth. The lamps were lit, and an open Dutch silver spirit-case stood, with some siphons of soda-water and large cut-glass tumblers, on a little table.

In a couple of minutes they were all assembled and roaring with laughter over "Baby" de Mille's account of how her car had run over a dachshund. "Oh, do you know," she cried, "he simply POPPED!" Half a dozen attendants hovered about, and soon the tables in the hall were covered with trays containing decanters and siphons.

Maud explained: "This is the swellest suite in the house parlor, bedroom, bath." She flung open the door, disclosing a sitting-room in disorder with two young men partly dressed, seated at a small table on which were bottles, siphons, matches, remains of sandwiches, boxes of cigarettes a chaotic jumble of implements to dissipation giving forth a powerful, stale odor.

One writer is of the opinion that something of the secret of gunpowder had been obtained from the East and that the substance was actually projected by a charge of gunpowder; in short, that these "siphons" were primitive cannon. In addition to these tubes other means were prepared for throwing the fire.

The little bivalve, however, finding itself left by the tide, has wisely shut up its siphons, and, by means of its foot and its edges, buried itself in a comfortable bath of cool wet sand, till the sea shall come back, and make it safe to crawl and lounge about on the surface, smoking the sea-water instead of tobacco. Neither is that depression what we seek.

The siphon closet not only overflows, but it siphons, or draws out, the contents of the bowl. This is replaced with clear water, which completely shuts off the outlet pipe. Comparing the actions of the two systems, we readily see the better cleansing power of the double action, while the seal on the vent pipe is always evident.