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Don't let me count three till you're after me, or I'll bleed ye! I will, by the blessing! Pat. But they'll niver know. Oh, Catty won't say a sintence of my name, was she carded! No, Catty's a scould, but has a conscience. Mrs. CARVER'S Dressing-room, HONOR McBRIDE and MISS BLOOMSBURY discovered. Honor. How will I know, Miss Bloomsbury, when it will be twelve o'clock? Bloom.

He was also overwhelmed with compliments of all hues and complexions: one reminded him of the victory he obtained over a hedge-schoolmaster who came one Sunday a distance of fifteen miles to sack him in English Grammar on the chapel-green; but as the man was no classical scholar, "Sure," observed his neighbor, "I remember well that he couldn't get a word out of Misther Denis's head there but Latin; so that the poor crathur, afther travellin' fifteen long miles, had to go home agin, the show o' the world, widout undherstandin' a sintence of the larnin' that was put an him; an' so here's wishin' you health, Misther Dinis, agra, an' no fear in life but you'll be the jewel at the prachin, sir, plase Goodness!"

Carver, the English lady, that's so nice, and so partial to Miss Honor McBride! Oh, I'll expose her! Pat. Oh! sure, Mrs. Catty. Is it who told me? No I won't mintion a sintence of your name. But let me by I won't be put off now I've got the scent. I'll hunt 'em out, and drag her to shame, if they're above ground, or my name's not Catty Rooney! Mick! Mick! little Mick!

“A monthexclaimed Natty, opening his mouth with his usual laugh, “not a day, nor a night, nor an hour, gal. Judge Temple may sintence, but he can’t keep without a better dungeon than this.

"`Who stole the eggs? says the billy-goat. "`Ax your ould grandmother! says the pig. "`Ax me ould WHICH mother? says the billy-goat. "`Oh, ax me And before he could complete the sintence, ram, blam, the ould billygoat butts him in the chist, and away goes the both of thim whirtlin' into the say below.