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What could he do against a single-track mind with such driving force back of it? Had Kirby got anything of importance on James? Or was he bluffing? "Talk 's cheap," he sneered uneasily. "You'll find how cheap it is. James had been speculatin'. He was down an' out. Another week, an' he'd have been a bankrupt. Uncle discovers how he's been tricked by him an' Miss Harriman.

Burbank's own home was at Rivington, and I should have had him visited there, had it not been on a single-track branch-railway which could not handle without danger and discomfort the scores of thousands we were planning to carry to and from him almost daily.

"Well, he I reckon he aims to be reasonable now," Hull said uneasily. "Why now? What's changed his views?" The fat man looked again at this brown-faced youngster with the single-track mind who never quit till he got what he wanted. Why was he shaking the bones of Shibo's blackmailing. Did he know more than he had told?

He found, when he got to that place, that the trains over the single-track railroad, which was frequently interrupted for a day or two at a time, were only sufficient to meet the daily wants of the troops without bringing forward any surplus of any kind.

You have got one of those single-track minds, Linda, that can think of only one thing at a time, and you never do think, when you start anything, of what the end is going to be." "Very likely there's a large amount of truth in that," said Linda soberly. "Perhaps I do get an idea and pursue it to the exclusion of everything else.

It even hurts a little to remember that I've traded on your chivalry, though that's the one thing in life you can trade on without reproof or demand for repayment. But as I told you before, I'm one of those neck-or-nothing women, one of those single-track women, who can't have their tides of traffic going two ways at once.

At first, therefore, firms and corporations engaged in the transportation business owned their own cars, their own horses, employed their own drivers, and charged such rates as the state tolls and sharp competition would allow. The result was dire confusion. The road was a single-track affair, with turnouts to enable cars coming in opposite directions to pass each other.