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The result of all this is that singers, as a rule, are much more normal, healthy, and well-balanced people than other musicians, or than actors. Moreover they generally have very strong bodies and constitutions to begin with, and when they have not they break down young.

But the singers sang from out of the abundance of redeemed souls, and there was a heavenly inspiration accompanying the songs that simply overwhelmed the hearts of sinners and overjoyed the hearts of saints. One song that especially gripped the audience ran thus: "Do you triumph, O my brother, over all this world of sin? In each storm of tribulation, does your Jesus reign within?"

Petersburg, just as he was, wearing silk stockings and a coat of apple-green satin, and carrying nothing but a walking cane. He told of actresses, singers, dressmakers, countesses, dancers, chambermaids; of gamblers, officers, princes, envoys, financiers, musicians, and adventurers.

I recognized some of the little singers; they were girls from the village. I pinched their cheeks, and tried to escape from the circle, but the roguish little things would not let me out. I could not tell what to make of it all, and stood there perfectly dazed. Suddenly a young man in hunting costume emerged from the shrubbery. Hardly could I believe my eyes it was merry Herr Lionardo!

What did Athens care for her Athens?.... And yet Homer and Hesiod, and those old Orphic singers, were of another mind.... Whence got they that strange fancy of gods counselling, warring, intermarrying, with mankind, as with some kindred tribe? 'Zeus, father of gods and men..... Those were words of hope and comfort.... But were they true? Father of men? Impossible! not father of Pelagia, surely.

Among the rebellious boys are our best singers, and particularly young Anana, who leads the voices of the choir-boys. "I will examine the silly fellows at once. Rameri Rameses' son was among the young miscreants?" "He seems to have been the ring-leader," answered Septah. Ameni looked at the old man with a significant smile, and said: "The royal family are covering themselves with honor!

For that age produced nothing in nature or art so remarkable as that change of fortune which showed the man, who not long before had been supreme ruler of Sicily, now dining at Corinth at the cook's shop, lounging at the perfumer's, drinking at the taverns, instructing female singers, and carefully arguing with them about their songs in the theatre, and about the laws of music.

But she did tell us where we may be nearly certain of finding out, namely from Signor Menotti, Via San Giacomo, Genoa, or his successors, a man who trained singers and performers, and moreover took charge of Benista's money, and she thinks he had considerable savings.

"Even the freshest and blithest." "O, dear, that is like a moral to a Sunday-school book," said Mae; "don't be goody-goody to-night." "What bad thing shall I do to please your majesty, my lady Pasquino?" "Waltz," said Mae. So, after dinner, Edith and Eric sang, and Norman and Mae took to the poetry of motion as ducks take to water, and outdanced the singers.

In addition to his other vocations, he was the singing-master of the neighborhood, and picked up many bright shillings by instructing the young folks in psalmody. It was a matter of no little vanity to him on Sundays, to take his station in front of the church gallery, with a band of chosen singers, where, in his own mind, he completely carried away the palm from the parson.