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He leaned back comfortably in his chair, and half closing his eyes as in dreamy reminiscence, said, slowly: "Your reply, Mr. Hotchkiss, reminds me of er sing'lar circumstances that er occurred, in point of fact at the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans. Pinkey Hornblower personal friend invited Senator Doolittle to join him in social glass. Received, sing'larly enough, reply similar to yours.

I'd got time to rest enough now, and might go pleasuring all day long; but I couldn't do it, and would have given a dozin bunnets trimmed to kill ef I could only have been back moilin' in my old kitchen with the children hangin' round me and Lisha a comin' in cheerful from his work as he used to 'fore I spoilt his home for him. How sing'lar it is folks never do know when they are wal off!"

"The new minister's a dozen years younger than she; must be all o' that," said the Captain, collecting himself. "I called him quite a young-lookin' man when he preached for us as a candidate. Sing'lar he shouldn't be a married man. Generally they be."

He leaned back comfortably in his chair, and half closing his eyes as in dreamy reminiscence, said slowly: "Your reply, Mr. Hotchkiss, reminds me of er sing'lar circumstance that er occurred, in point of fact at the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans. Pinkey Hornblower personal friend invited Senator Doolittle to join him in social glass. Received, sing'larly enough, reply similar to yours.

Daresay when I've told it you, you won't believe it; but I sha'n't be able to help that. Truth's truth, no consequence how sing'lar its appearance may be; and so now to begin. "No matter the port, no matter the yacht's name, no matter her owner's calling, no matter nothing.

'He has, said she solemnly. 'Affections are a sing'lar kind o' prop'ty, said Uncle Eb. 'Hain't good fer nuthin till ye've gin em away. Then, like as not, they git very valyble. 'Good deal that way with money too, said Elizabeth Brower.

I say to him, 'I can't walk fast in dese yere boots, sar dey's too short. 'Oh, he says, ''tis but the cutting off a piece of your toes, Caesar, and de boots will fit well enuff. Him berry sing'lar man.

"You ain't got any time to lose," she said, impatiently, as he hesitated. Perhaps it was her impatience that struck harshly upon him; perhaps, if she had not accepted her good fortune so confidently, he would not have spoken what was in his mind at the time; but he said gravely, "Wait a minit, Malviny; I've suthin' to tell you 'bout this find of mine that's sing'lar." "Go on," she said, quickly.

I tell you, it's a sing'lar kind of a feelin' to see a piece of your own body go flyin' away, with no prospect of ever coming back again," said Joe, trying to make light of one of the greatest misfortunes a man can suffer. "That is bad, but it might have been worse. Keep up your spirits, Joe; and we will soon have you fitted out with a new arm almost as good as new."

"It is kind of sing'lar at fust, I'm free to confess, and not as churchy as some folks like. But there ain't no place but that big enough to hold the crowds that want to go, for the more he's abused the more folks flock to see him.