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All this was expressed with an elegance which I was not quite prepared to find in the fair one, and with a tone of sincerity for which I was still less prepared; yet with the coquette in every line. I should have been glad to see him at any time, but now I received him as a resource from solitude, or rather from those restless thoughts which made solitude so painful to me.

Will you join us, friend?" he asked me with the most entreating eyes, though of somewhat doubtful sincerity. There was a deathly silence that followed, for I was thinking long and hard about what I should do, until at last I spoke, "Your majesty, I am afraid that I will have to turn you down and remain with the Pastites. Onan sent me, and it is Onan whom I shall follow."

He looked very handsome and very winning, pleading his cause with an earnestness which left no doubt of his sincerity. Gladys allowed him to take her hand, and did not draw herself away. 'If you will let me alone a long time a year, at least and never speak of it, I will give you an answer then.

I am well aware that he makes this offer with sincerity, and that he has your interest at heart. You certainly need more education to fit you for the duties of life, and now a way is open for you to obtain it. I can hardly bear the thought of your going so far from home, and yet I need not expect you always to remain under my own roof.

He was not without a certain quickness of apprehension and vivacity of expression which passed current, among his admirers for wit and wisdom. Even the experienced. Saint Aldegonde was deceived in his character, and described him after an hour and half's interview, as a Prince overflowing with bounty, intelligence, and sincerity.

She was sure now that Deering loved her, and if he had seized the occasion of their farewell to give her some definitely worded sign of his feeling if, more plainly, he had asked her to marry him, his doing so would have seemed less like a proof of his sincerity than of his suspecting in her the need of a verbal warrant.

'Heaven forefend, said Sir Francis, 'that I should discuss any fair lady's sincerity! The question is how far you are bound. Have I understood you that you are veritably wedded, not by a mere contract of espousal?

He seemed first not to be aware what she alluded to; and, when she explained the circumstance, he protested so seriously that he had no share in the benefit conferred, that Lady Peveril was compelled to believe him, the rather that, being a man of plain downright character, affecting no refined delicacy of sentiment, and practising almost a quaker-like sincerity of expression, it would have been much contrary to his general character to have made such a disavowal, unless it were founded in truth.

Godfrey possessed so large a share of ridiculous pride that he felt pleased with the compliment, though he was not clear about its sincerity. "Where do you live?" he asked, with a slight lowering of his tone. "Where do I live? Shure, I don't live anywhere now, but I'm going to live in the village. My mother came here a month ago." "Why didn't you come with her?"

Again we are hopeful that the same springtime may pitch its tent and that these boundless bestowals may appear once more among us. Through your efforts and sincerity this is made possible.