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The King admired and praised the two couplets and said to him, "Quote something else; Allah bless thy sire and may thy tongue never tire!" So he began: "That cheek-mole's spot they evened with a grain * Of musk, nor did they here the simile strain: Nay, marvel at the face comprising all * Beauty, nor falling short by single grain." So he began:

He concludes his argument in his usual manner with a simile: "If well-tuned pipes should spring out of the olive, would you have the slightest doubt that there was in the olive-tree itself some kind of skill and knowledge? Or if the plane-tree could produce harmonious lutes, surely you would infer, on the same principle, that music was contained in the plane-tree.

No, no, shew me any goodness in a censorious prude, and " As Miss Matthews hesitated for a simile or an execration, Booth proceeded: "You will please to remember, madam, there was formerly an agreement between myself and Mrs.

Certain poets, a certain time ago, ransacked the language for words full of life and beauty, made a vocabulary of them, and out of wantonness wrote them to death. To change somewhat the simile, they scented out a word an earlyish word, by preference ran it to earth, unearthed it, dug it out, and killed it. And then their followers bagged it.

Is there no remedy, and no physician for the frailties and degradations of poor Jack, who, whatever be his faults, 'leads the way aloft on dark and stormy nights? 'If the constituents of London mud can be resolved, if the sand can be transformed into an opal, to use the noble simile of a great living writer, 'and the water into a drop of dew or a star of snow, or a translucent crystal, and the soot into a diamond such as

A melancholy man would find here matter to work upon, to see heads as brittle as glasses, and often broken; men come hither to quarrel, and come hither to be made friends: and if Plutarch will lend me his simile, it is even Telephus's sword that makes wounds and cures them. It is the common consumption of the afternoon, and the murderer or maker-away of a rainy day.

Up above us all so high, like a diamond in our sky, though perhaps I ought to say cyclone or race-horse, or but there is no simile fine enough. "Good-night! Would that you were here, so that I could say it, and hear all that you would like to say, and then start off again to try and carry out your wishes with better success, as "Your unfailing Emma."

Uncle Stanley began to have the irritable feelings of an old mouse in the hands of a young kitten. "That's the worst of having women around," he scowled to himself "they are worse than worse than worse than " Searching for a simile, he thought of a flash of lightning, a steel hoop lying on its side, a hornet's nest but none of these quite suited him. He made a helpless gesture.

I can't fight the trusts any longer without some backin'. I've got to have somebody take holt of me and get what's in me out. I reelize it now. It's in me. Once out it will make me and all them round me rich like a a " When Mr. Bodge halted for a simile Hiram grunted under his breath: "Like a compost heap." "I was born the way I am with something about me that the common run of men don't have.

'Tis an unequal simile, my friend! as well compare a fiery planet with a twinkling dewdrop, as draw a parallel between the heroic ideal maid 'Nourhalma' and my fluttering singing-bird, Niphrata!" Theos sighed involuntarily, but forcing a smile, let the subject drop and held his peace, while Sah-luma, taking up the thread of his poetical narrative, went on reciting.