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He turned it over and scrutinized it carefully, scanned the blank pages and the silk-faced lids in the glow from the stove, and then handed it to Allen. "What does that say there, that small gold print on the inside of the cover?" "That's the binder's name Z. Fenelsa." Allen closed the book, passed his hand over the smooth covers, and handed it back to Ware.

In the afternoon of the day that followed the publication of the confession Flummers minced his way into the Press Club. He wore a suit of new clothes, and although the weather was warm, he carried a silk-faced overcoat. Before any one took notice of him he put his coat and hat on the piano, and then, with a gesture, he exclaimed: "Wow!" "Why, here's Kittymunks! Helloa, Kit!" one man shouted.

I expects it was the prospects of gettin' rung into a rough and tumble, and having to explain to mother, that changed Bobby's mind so sudden. At any rate, inside of a minute more I'm wearin' the pearl-gray waistcoat and the silk-faced tuxedo, and out I sails onto the shiny floor of the green and gold ballroom with somebody's pink-costumed heiress hangin' to my left arm.

The hands among them that were hidden were covered with well-fitting gloves kid or dog-skin; all wore white shirts and fashionable neckwear; their shoes were polished; their hats were in style; and here and there, where an unbuttoned, silk-faced overcoat exposed the garments beneath, could be seen a gold watch-chain with tasteful charm.

If anything happens I shall collapse. 'Not you. You'd rise to the occasion like a bird. And as for the self-control you were talking of the other day' Gilbert swung him round 'look! A young man in an ulster over a silk-faced frock-coat stood by the carriage window, weeping shamelessly. 'Oh, but that's only drink, Conroy said. 'I haven't had one of my my things since lunch.

He had changed his dress-coat for a silk-faced jacket, in which he was in the habit of working with Steinmetz in the quiet room after the household had gone to bed. She looked up. She dropped the brush, and ran toward him with a great rustle of her flowing silks. "Oh, Paul, what is it?" she cried. She stopped short, not daring to touch him, before his cold, set face.

He was, it is true, gifted with an instinctive feeling for the value and significance of tones as a child he sang by ear in a small, sweet voice, which gained him the only notice he received at school, and he easily picked out his notes, and taught himself little pieces, on the old-fashioned, silk-faced piano, which had belonged to his mother as a girl, and at which, in the early days of her marriage, she had sung in a high, shrill voice, the sentimental songs of her youth.

I could make out Andres Zosco in the center of the bunch wearin' a silk-faced dinner coat and chewin' nervous on a fat black cigar. Also I could guess that the tall chemical blonde at his right must be the celebrated Myrtle Mapes that used to smile on us from so many billboards. To the left was a huge billowy female decorated generous with pearl ropes and ear pendants.

Thus spoke the considerable personage, the millionaire endower of churches on a scale befitting the greatness of his native land the same to whom the doctors used the language of horrid and veiled menaces. He was a big-limbed, deliberate man, whose quiet burliness lent to an ample silk-faced frock-coat a superfine dignity.

"You are both young enough, I am sure." "Oh, yes, we are young enough." He stirred his tea with an effeminate appreciation of fine Coalport and a dainty Norwegian spoon. "Then why should you not wait?" Arthur was silent; he looked very small and frail, almost childlike, in his silk-faced evening coat. Spoilt boy was writ large all over his person. "Arthur," said Mrs.