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He'd fallen aff a bridge, an' bruised it that bad. Aye, aye," a big sigh came again convulsively, "an' his faether not deid a month. Ma Tam wes sax feet in his socks a bonny lad, an' eh, eh, sik a guid laddie to his mither." Elizabeth felt a lump rising in her throat. She stroked the black alpaca arm next her in silent sympathy.

Bọðvarr mælti: 'helzt ertu sterkr orðinn, ok ekki vænti ek, at þú hræðiz hirðmenn Hrólfs konungs. Họttr sagði: 'eigi mun ek þá hræðaz ok eigi þik upp frá, þessu. 'Vel er þá orðit, Họttr félagi; fọru vit til ok reisum upp dýrit ok búum svá um, at aðrir ætli at kvikt muni vera. Þeir gera svá. Eptir þat fara þeir heim ok hafa kyrt um sik, ok veit engi maðr, hvat þeir hafa iðjat.

The brook Ain Musa, which runs through the ruined city of Petra and finally disappears in the sands of Wadi el Araba, is a considerable stream in winter, and the inhabitants of that town were obliged to excavate a tunnel through the rock near the right bank, just above the upper entrance of the narrow Sik, to discharge a part of its swollen current. The sagacity of Dr.

I believe ye're right," he added, shading his heavy red brows with his heavier and redder hand, "that is the rock, but a man wad need the een o' an eagle to see onything in the face o' sik a bleezin' sun. Pull awa', Davy, we'll hae time to catch a bit cod or a haddy afore the rock's bare."

At this season, the bed of the brook, which is composed of pebbles, gravel, and sand, is dry in the Sik and through the town; but the infiltration is such that water is generally found by digging to a small depth in the channel.

One day a dirty note was put into his hand by a small black youth he had never seen before. It was brief but pointed: "I am sik. Com to Sharty Hospitl. He ain't duin nuthen fer me. "Mistah Breckenridge" carefully placed the note in his pocket, put his hat on his head, and went to the Charity Hospital. It was not hard to find Hannah.

But I'll better no' say nae mair aboot it. I was that angry; and Mistress Kenawee, the bissam, was like to tnet hersel' lauchin'; but; I ashure ye, I never got sik a fleg in my life an' sik simple dune too, mind ye.

In 1424 it was enacted that "Quha sa ever be convict of Slauchter of Salmonde in tyme forbidden be the Law, he shall pay fourtie shillings for the unlaw, and at the third tyme gif he be convict of sik Trespasse he shall tyne his life."

Say, I bet this prairie dog can lick your cat in a holy minute," and the boy pushed the dog against the cat, said "sik em," and the cat scratched the dog, the dog yelled and bit the cat, the cat run up the shelves, over the canned goods, and tipped over some bottles of pickles, and the old groceryman got crazy, while the boy took his prairie dog under his arm, and his horned toad in his hand and started to go out.

I believe ye're right," he added, shading his heavy red brows with his heavier and redder hand, "that is the rock, but a man wad need the een o' an eagle to see onything in the face o' sik a bleezin' sun. Pull awa', Davy, we'll hae time to catch a bit cod or a haddy afore the rock's bare."