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Do you think a cardinal would have a fit if a man were to dine with him in a dina giacca?" "Have a fit? Why should he have a fit, Signorino?" Marietta blinked. "Would he do anything to the man? Would he launch the awful curses of the Church at him, for instance?" "Mache, Signorino!" She struck an attitude that put to scorn his apprehensions. "I see," said Peter. "You think there is no danger?

He smiled and drew the great bladed oars slowly through the calm water, leaning towards her with each stroke and looking into her eyes. "I wish I were really a fisherman," he said, "like your father!" "Why, signore?" she asked, in astonishment. "Because it's a free life, because it's a life I should love." She still looked at him with surprise. "But a fisherman has few soldi, signorino."

"Si, signore non dubiti!" Delarey climbed up on to the mountainous bed. "Buona notte, Maddalena!" he said, smiling at her from the pillow like a boy. "Buon riposo, signorino!" That was the last thing he heard. The last thing he saw was the dark, eager face of the girl lit up by the candle-flame watching him from the farther room.

"To be old and good is better than youth with malice," suggested Angiolino, by way of consolation. "I suppose so," acquiesced Goneril. Nevertheless she went in to dinner a little disappointed. The signorino was not in the house; he had gone up to the villa; but he had sent a message that later in the evening he intended to pay his respects to his old friends.

He stopped, cast a swift look round. Gaspare was alone. "Signorino" the boy was breathing hard "the signora" he gulped "the signora has come back." The time had come for acting. Maurice feigned surprise. "The signora! What are you saying? The signora is in Africa." "No, signore! She is here!" "Here in San Felice!" "No, signore! But she was in the train. I saw her at the window.

He certainly had a new coat before Christmas, and gloves, and very nice boots, that made me smile when I thought of the day when he arrived, with only one shoe and it had a hole in it as big as half his foot. But now he grew to be so careful of his appearance that Mariuccia began to call him the "signorino."

Maurice whispered. Gaspare stole back. "It is only Lucrezia. She is spreading the linen. I thought " "What is Salvatore going to do?" "Unless you go down to the sea to meet him this evening, signorino, he is coming up here to-night to tell everything to the signora." Maurice went white. "I shall go," he said. "I shall go down to the sea." "Madonna! Madonna!" "He won't come now?

He was unwrapping this precious treasure when Julia's page brought in a supper-tray on which the old Italian cook, who had served Gladys before the harsh, new mistress came, had placed such little delicacies as she considered her dear signorino might permit himself to eat without infringing the rules of the Church.

"Ah, Teresa!" he thought, turning over lazily. The knock was repeated, and he awoke with a violent start. "Signorino! signorino!" cried a man's voice in Italian; "get up for the love of God!" Arthur jumped out of bed. "What is the matter? Who is it?" "It's I, Gian Battista. Get up, quick, for Our Lady's sake!" Arthur hurriedly dressed and opened the door.

"Yes," said Goneril; and they went out together. "So the cousin did not come?" said the signorino. "No." They went on a little way in silence together. The night was moon-lit and clear; not a wind stirred the leaves; the sky was like a sapphire, containing but not shedding light.