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"I have to reply, Signore, and honored father," he coolly answered, "that Balthazar hath right cleverly related a tale that hath been ingeniously devised. That I am Bartolo, I repeat to thee, can be proved by a hundred living tongues in Italy. Thou best knowest who Bartolo Contini is, Doge of Genoa. "He speaks the truth," returned the prince, dropping his head in disappointment. "Oh!

"Thou hast had the company of the boy, if I remember, from his birth, already." "Signore, I have had that satisfaction, for he was an orphan born; and I would wish to have it until the child is fit to go into the world armed with an honesty and faith that shall keep him from harm.

"And Maddalena, signore? What do you think of Maddalena?" He looked at his girl with a certain pride, and then back at Maurice searchingly. "Maddalena is beautiful to-day," Maurice answered, quickly. He did not want to discuss her with her father, whom he longed to be rid of, whom he meant to get rid of if possible at the fair. Surely it would be easy to give him the slip there.

Madre mia, do you think I was born in a grotto on Etna and have never " "Gaspare, listen to me!" "Scusi, signorino! "I'm going over there to sit down in the shade for a minute. After that wine I drank at dinner I'm a bit sleepy." "Si, signore. Shall I come with you?" For once there was reluctance in his voice, and he looked down at the blue-and-white apron he had on with wistful eyes.

And presently Peppina was induced to be truthful, and Hermione knew of the outburst in the night, and that "the foreign Signore" had known of it from the moment of its happening. "The Signorina was so kind, Signora, that I forgot. I told her all! I told her all I told her " Once Peppina had begun to be truthful she could not stop.

For his Greek I gave him St. Francis's canticle, which begins: Laudate sie, mi signore, cum tuote le tue creature, Spetialmente messer lo frate sole.

In this affair, Olinto, our interests are mutual, are they not?" He nodded, after a moment's hesitation. "And you know also a man named Archer who is sometimes known as Hornby, or Woodroffe as well as a friend of his called Chater." "Si, signore," he said. "I have met them all to my regret." "And have you ever met a Russian a certain Baron Oberg and his niece, Elma Heath?" "His niece?

"But I'd think, Signore what is your name?" "Samuele." "But I'd think, Signore Samuele, that you're thinking too badly about those who spy out the plots and assassinations of the citizens for the benefit of the state and who uncover conspiracies against the republic before they can do any harm." The Jew stopped walking, grabbed the other one's sleeve, and looked at him.

The boy's quick eyes had noticed that Delarey was glancing towards the tangle of trees, among which was visible a small section of the gray wall of the house of the sirens. "How calm the sea is there!" Delarey said, swiftly. "Si, signore. That is where you can see the light in the window from our terrace." "There's no light now." "How should there be? They are asleep. Andiamo?"

'You shall have what you wish, signore. At dis season ze Hotel du Lac 'Is not crowded, and there are half a hundred rooms at my disposal? Very well, I will keep the one I have, which commands a very attractive view of a rose-coloured villa set in a grove of cypress trees. The others had waited in a state of suspension, dumbfounded at what was going on.