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Yellow City makes no sech demands of its servants; wherefore, I repeats, that if this Easy Aaron sits mute where he is, we agrees to cut Shoestring's bonds an' restore him to that freedom whereof he makes sech florid use." "'At this, Easy Aaron stands up, puffs out his chest, bows to Waco an' the others, an' evolves 'em a patronisin' gesture signifyin' that their bluff is called.

That's the tone o' speech signifyin' 'damn it all! among women. And so say I, wi' all these vittles cryin' out to be ate." "These brisk days," began the stranger quietly, "are not to be let slip. I have no wife, no kin, no friends, no fortune or only the pound or two sewn in my belt. The rest has been lost to me these three days and lies with the Sentinel, five fathoms deep in your cove below.

He c'd 'a' said anythin' about anybody them years, 'n' 'f I had time to listen I'd 'a' been bound to hear, but to my certain knowledge he never said one word o' family 'xcept to remark over 'n' over 's he thanked the Lord Almighty 's he had n't got none, which words I naturally took 's signifyin' 's he was speakin' the truth.

"Ay, weel, lads, of course David Alexander's oor Dite as we called 'im, Dite Elshioner, an' that's his wy o' signifyin' to us 'at he's married." "I assure ye," said Hendry, "Dite's doin' the thing in style." "Ay, we said that when the card arrived," Pete admitted. "I kent," said Tammas, "'at that was the wy grand fowk did when they got married. I've kent it a lang time.

"A shell from the U-33!" exclaimed von Schoenvorts. "What can be after signifyin'?" queried Olson. "They are in trouble," I answered for all, "and it's up to us to get back to them. Drop that carcass," I directed the men carrying the meat, "and follow me!" I set off at a rapid run in the direction of the harbor.

"'Most extravagant meal of vittles ever I got away with, I says. 'Cost me and my partner two hundred and fifty apiece, that lunch did. We stayed in Boston two days, and on the afternoon of the second day we was on our way back totin' a couple of neat but expensive slips of paper signifyin' that we'd bought December and May wheat on a one per cent margin.