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Pharaoh writes to me above his own seal, seeking an alliance between Egypt and Ethiopia. He says that the King of kings invades him and that if he conquers Egypt he has sworn to travel on and conquer Ethiopia also, since he learns that it is now ruled by a certain dwarf who once stole his White Signet, and by a certain Egyptian who once killed his Satrap, Idernes." "What says the Karoon?" I asked.

So I said to him: 'By Him who hath exalted thee and abased me, pity me, and take me before Solomon. But when I came before Solomon, he met me in a most evil manner: he caused this pillar to be brought, and hollowed it, and put me in it, and sealed me with his signet; after which, he chained me, and Ed-Dimiryat conveyed me to this place, where he set me down as thou seest me; and this pillar is my prison until the day of resurrection."

It was then settled between the friends, that when it became dark they should dress themselves in the confessor's robes, and by means of the queen's signet, which she had given to Wallace at the banquet, pass the guard as priests who had entered by some other gate, and were returned from shriving her majesty.

Mark on archivolt and parapet the invariable official signet of Venetian dominion stretches between that simpler quarter and this, which holds the great houses of Murano, whose masters, a sort of petite noblesse, have made their names illustrious by marvelous inventions in that exquisite industry in which Venice has no rival.

"I answered that it was hopeless, as no one would believe the tale, whereon she drew from her finger the throne-ring or State signet which you have in your pocket, Higgs, saying: 'My mothers have worn this since the days of Maqueda, Queen of Sheba. If there are learned men among your people they will read her name upon it and know that I speak no lie.

"Haste, haste, Master Warder!" he cried, beating at the door with his dagger till it opened jealously, "messages of importance to the Lord Warwick. We have the king's signet. Open!" The sleepy warder glanced at the ring; the gates were opened; they were without the fortress, they hurried on.

In the box was a little gold signet ring with and Old English "E" engraved upon it. "Oh," admired Polly, "is n't that lovelicious! I'm so glad for Elsie!" "Yes," Miss Lucy went on, "I think she will like it. We wanted to give her something that she would keep to remember the day by, and we could n't think of anything better.

I glanced at the signet that I wore on my finger, Vendôme's gift to me, saying: "That is, perhaps, the best thing that could have happened for me; but I little dreamed that Vendôme would ever have joined hands with Diane." "As to that," he said, "I have long ceased to be surprised at anything.

Behold this bracelet charm, of sovereign power To baffle fate in danger's awful hour; But thou must still the perilous secret keep, Nor ask the harvest of renown to reap; For when, by this peculiar signet known, Thy glorious father shall demand his son, Doomed from her only joy in life to part, O think what pangs will rend thy mother's heart!

MRS. AYLETT was in her best feather that night; the suave chatelaine, the dutiful consort; the tactful warder of the interesting pair whose movements she had not ceased to watch from the moment they took their places with the party about the fire-place in the hall until she, alone of all the company, saw Herbert Dorrance draw the diamond signet from its receptacle, and the sparkle of the jewel as it slipped to its abiding-place upon Mabel's finger.