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When asked, however, he pointed out, in a moment, the right direction of our canoe. He could not explain how he knew; I believe he had noted the course we had taken almost unconsciously; the sense of locality in his case seemed instinctive. The Monedula signata is a good friend to travellers in those parts of the Amazons which are infested by the blood-thirsty Motuca.

In witnesse whereof we haue caused to be made these our Letters patents. Witnesse our selfe at Westminister the fift day of March, in the eleuenth yeere of our reigne. Billa signata anno 13 Henrici septimi. The same in English.

It is curious how she can find her way back, for often she has to go half a mile before she can find a fly to suit her purpose. Another species, the Monedula signata, as large as a hornet, is particularly useful in carrying off the teasing flies, the bloodthirsty motucas, which buzz round the voyager on the Amazon when at anchor near a sand-bank.

There is a certain nation, where the enclosures of gardens and fields they would preserve, are made only of a string of cotton; and, so fenced, is more firm and secure than by our hedges and ditches. "Furem signata sollicitant . . . aperta effractarius praeterit."

"On my word, a handsome quadriga, for such, according to the best scholium, was the vox signata of the Romans for a chariot which, like that of your lordship, was drawn by four horses."

Another nearly allied but much larger species, the Monedula signata, whose habits I observed on the banks of the Upper Amazons, sometimes excavates its mine solitarily on sand- banks recently laid bare in the middle of the river, and closes the orifice before going in search of prey.

"On my word, a handsome quadriga, for such, according to the best scholium, was the vox signata of the Romans for a chariot which, like that of your lordship, was drawn by four horses."

A very well-known instance is that of the dwarf variety of Tagetes signata, which arose in the nursery of Vilmorin in the year 1860. It was observed for the first time in a single individual among a lot of the ordinary Tagetes signata. It was found impossible to isolate it, but the seeds were saved separately.