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He must bring back the baroness before noon. Your master is dying. He would have turned away, but the man detained him with a question he did not hear at first. 'What did you say? he asked. 'A messenger has just come from Sigmundskron to inquire, the servant said. 'I will see him. Give the order to Karl quickly, said Rex. In the hall a queer-looking man was brought to him.

On rare occasions Greifenstein and his wife drove over to the castle, and were invariably admitted by the same soberly-dressed, middle-aged woman, who showed them into the same old- fashioned room, whence, having made their visit, they returned to the outer gate by the way they had come. That is all they ever saw of Sigmundskron.

Much had been done to Sigmundskron, but there was work for years to come, before it should be what Greif dreamed of. But one day in June the work ceased suddenly, and all was hushed and still. The servants trod noiselessly and spoke in whispers, and Rex found himself left to his own devices with no companion but the dear idol of his fancy. The whole household life seemed suspended.

We were very small, and it must have been in the spring, for we picked mayflowers and found strawberries in the woods. 'She was not more than six years old then, observed Frau von Sigmundskron. 'And I was eleven, I think, replied Greif, forgetting his effort to be silent in the childish reminiscence. 'Was that the first time you came? 'I believe so.

Frau von Sigmundskron used to look curiously at the grey building when she was staying with her relations. She could have described the sufferings of the poor wretches who had perished there as well as any one of themselves or better. Not twenty miles from all the luxury that dwelt behind that lofty bulwark, she had been starving herself for years in order that her only child might live.

'And for that matter, said the baroness, as the carriage swung round the curve and began the last ascent that ended at the castle gate, 'for that matter, you can call yourself Sigmundskron instead of Greifenstein. Greif moved uneasily in his furs. It seemed as though everything were conspiring against him.

'If he had not been the dog he is, he would have made an end of himself long ago. 'Do not say that, cousin. It was better that he should live out his life in a foreign country than do such a bad thing. 'I do not agree with you. When a man has taken Judas Iscariot for his model I think he ought to follow so eminent an example to the end. Frau von Sigmundskron did not wish to argue the point.

She was left alone for a few minutes, while Frau von Sigmundskron went to tell Berbel that Greif was gone after all, and that there was no need to upset all the household arrangements. The fire was still burning brightly, though one of the logs had fallen into two pieces, making a great cave of coals and flames in the midst.

Greif listened to the rushing noise of their wings, and to their short, clear cry, and he wished that Hilda were beside him, to help him to enjoy the more what already gave him such keen pleasure. To him, indeed, Sigmundskron still had the charm of novelty.

With an effort of will that would have done credit to his dead father, he entered the castle, bending his head gravely in acknowledgment of the servants' tearful salutations. Though most of them were the merest hirelings in the house, who had lately succeeded others like themselves, yet almost all were in tears. Frau von Sigmundskron looked at Rex in some surprise.