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'Dost thou think to blind the eyes of the beloved of Allah, who knoweth the secrets of heaven and earth, and hath the sigil of Suleiman Ben Daoud, wherewith to penetrate the secret places of the false?

Flamby, I tell you that the Hohenzollerns are a haunted race, ruling a haunted land, doomed and cursed. About them are obscene spirits wearing the semblance of men of men gross and heavy, and leaden-eyed; and upon each brow is the mark of the Bull, the sigil of Hell." Flamby watched him, listening spellbound to his strange words.

Sir Arthur obeyed his direction, and pulled out the small plate of silver which he had used under the adept's auspices upon the former occasion. "It is very true," said Sir Arthur, looking gravely at the Antiquary; "this is the graduated and calculated sigil by which Mr. Dousterswivel and I regulated our first discovery."

Even a human soul we do not recognise unless we see it in a body parents provide the outline, the signature, the sigil of the returning soul. This," and he tapped himself upon the breast, "is the physical signature of that type of life we call a soul. Unless there is life of a certain strength behind it, no body forms.

"I would he would appear," said the Abbot, "for here comes the Refectioner with the collation By my faith, the ride hath given me a sharp appetite!" I'll seek for other aid Spirits, they say, Flit round invisible, as thick as motes Dance in the sunbeam. If that spell Or necromancer's sigil can compel them, They shall hold council with me.

The richest men of Athens paused by night in the Street of Tripods to gaze at the poet's widow, as the women in the Ceramaeicus sarcastically called her. Some, more daring, or tremulous with desire, raised the index finger in mute question; but vainly they awaited her affirmative reply the customary sigil of the hetæræ, touching thumb to index finger as it were an annulus.

I was given certain of his effects which had passed through the fire; I found his sigil concealed inside what appeared to be a cigarette case." He took a green disk from the bag and laid it on the desk. "There's no question; Gavran Sarn died in the wreck of that automobile." "And the nighthound?" "It was in the car with him, but it escaped. You know how fast those things are.

Dousterswivel, do you pretend to have had any hand in our good success? you forget you refused us all aid of your science, man; and you are here without your weapons that should have fought the battle which you pretend to have gained in our behalf: you have used neither charm, lamen, sigil, talisman, spell, crystal, pentacle, magic mirror, nor geomantic figure.

I asked in consternation. "What the hell!" he exclaimed, "am I crazy? This is no foot mark. How could it be? Look at the mathematical nicety with which these edges are stamped out as though by a die "That's what it reminds me of a die. It's as if some impossible power had been used to press it down. Like like a giant seal of metal in a mountain's hand. A sigil a seal " "But why?" I asked.

Dousterswivel, do you pretend to have had any hand in our good success? you forget you refused us all aid of your science, man; and you are here without your weapons that should have fought the battle which you pretend to have gained in our behalf: you have used neither charm, lamen, sigil, talisman, spell, crystal, pentacle, magic mirror, nor geomantic figure.