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His father's land was famed for his worth, for in all things he was right noble. When he was of an age to ride to the court, the people saw him gladly, and wedded wives and maids were alike fain that he should tarry there. By order of Siegmund and Sieglind he was richly clad, and without guards he was suffered not to ride abroad.

The Fate theme sounds from the orchestra, and another melody, out of which nearly the whole scene is woven, is heard, and then, to a simple chord supernatural, ghostly in its effect she calls Siegmund. She tells him he is to die and go with her to Valhalla. "So young and fair, and yet so cold and stern!" Siegmund exclaims; and at last he asks whether Sieglinda will also be there.

Helena's heart was beating, as she imagined what a merry noise there would be should they wake all the fowls. She dreaded any commotion, any questioning, this night, so she stole carefully along till they issued on the high-road not far from home. In the morning, after bathing, Siegmund leaned upon the seawall in a kind of reverie.

'Dear Lord! exclaimed Hampson; then: 'Do you remember Flaubert's saint, who laid naked against a leper? I could not do it. 'Nor I, shuddered Siegmund. 'But you've got to-or something near it! Siegmund looked at the other with frightened, horrified eyes. 'What of yourself? he said, resentfully.

After a while they heard the old lady go upstairs. Helena went very still, and seemed to contract. Siegmund himself hesitated in his love-making. All was very quiet. They could hear the faint breathing of the sea. Presently the cat, which had been sleeping in a chair, rose and went to the door. 'Shall I let her out? said Siegmund. 'Do! said Helena, slipping from his knee.

The hero is the son of Sieglinda and Siegmund; he kills the dragon, takes the ring, shatters Wotan's spear, passes the fiery hedge, and weds Brunnhilde. The details we shall examine when we deal with the drama of Siegfried. Wotan's part is now ended; he retires to Valhalla to await the inevitable dénouement.

His soul was too much uncovered. 'Dear, someone is looking, she pleaded. He drew himself up from cover. But he kept his face averted. They walked on. 'Forgive me, dear, she said softly. 'Nay, it's not you, he answered, and she was silenced. They walked on till the night seemed private. She turned to him, and 'Siegmund! she said, in a voice of great sorrow and pleading.

For centuries a certain type of woman has been rejecting the 'animal' in humanity, till now her dreams are abstract, and full of fantasy, and her blood runs in bondage, and her kindness is full of cruelty. Helena lay flagging upon the breast of Siegmund. He folded her closely, and his mouth and his breath were warm on her neck. She sank away from his caresses, passively, subtly drew back from him.

The horses were led out for Siegmund's men, for they were ready to ride back to the land of the Nibelungs; and their harness was laid on the sumpters. Then went Siegmund to Kriemhild, and said to her, "Siegfried's men wait by their horses. Let us away, for it irketh me here by the Burgundians." Kriemhild answered, "They that are faithful among my kinsfolk counsel me to abide here with them.

The sea has its mouth on the earth, and the gorse and the trees press together, and they all look up at the moon, they put up their faces in a kiss, my darling. But they haven't you-and it all centres in you, my dear, all the wonder-love is in you, more than in them all Siegmund Siegmund!