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SOME one has said that if any man would faithfully write his autobiography, giving truly his own history and experiences, the ills and joys, the haps and mishaps that had fallen to his lot, he could not fail to make an interesting story; and Disraeli makes Sidonia say that there is romance in every life.

She had more to forgive than any one; but would not she give him her pardon, for some comfort on this last journey; and so would he bear her remembrance before the throne of God?" But Sidonia pushed away his hand. "He should be ashamed of such old-womanish weakness. Did he not see that his father was only trying to frighten him?

His conversation with Sidonia, however, had driven the little adventure of the morning from his memory, and now that it was thus recalled to him, he did not dwell upon it. His being was absorbed in his paramount purpose. The sympathy of Sidonia, so complete, and as instructive as it was animating, was a sustaining power which we often need when we are meditating great deeds.

She would willingly have dismissed Sidonia, but he forbade her; and Sidonia herself declared that she would watch day and night by the bedside of the young lord.

'If I could but get her to take this draught, said the surgeon. 'Stop! moisten her lips first, said Sidonia. They placed the draught to her mouth; in a moment she put forth her hand as if to repress them, then opened her eyes again, and sighed. 'She is herself, said the surgeon. 'Lucretia! said the Marquess. 'Sidonia! said the Marchioness.

When Sidonia heard that the man could be brought to hate his wife by some means, her eyes flashed wildly, and she called the horrible old gipsy mother aside, and asked her to tell her the charm. Illa. "Yes; but what would she give her? She had two pretty golden rings on her finger; let her give them, and she should have the secret." Haec.

Her father's cabin was only a poor thing thatched with straw," &c. All this pleased the proud Sidonia mightily, so she beckoned her into the room, where the aforesaid Anna immediately began to stare about her, and devour everything with her eyes; but seeing such scanty furniture, remarked inquiringly "The dear sister's goods are, of course, on the road?"

Medina Sidonia was to seize and fortify the Isle of Wight, guard the entrance of the harbours against any interference from the Dutch and English fleets, and so soon as the conquest of England had been effected he was to proceed to Ireland. It had been the wish of Sir William Stanley that Ireland should be subjugated first, as a basis of operations against England; but this had been overruled.

Her bridegroom was Vidante von Meseritz, a feudal vassal of her father's, upon whom, ten years before, she would not have looked at from a window. Not that she was as proud as her young sister Sidonia. However, their mother was to blame for much of this; but she was dead now, poor lady, let her rest in peace.

He was the handsomest youth in all Pomerania, and played the lute so divinely that at court he was compared to the god Apollo. Sidonia upon this fell into deep thought.