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Black slaves on either side brush away the flies with their white clothes, soldiers await to do his bidding, he is permitted to make a request to the true Sultan, and our Master has open ear and full hand for the tolba, who kept the Moghreb from the Unbelievers, the inheritors of the Fire, against whom Sidna Mohammed has turned his face."

"These eagles will not be able to hunt for weeks now." Owen cursed himself and the universe, Allah and the God of Israel, Christ and the prophets. "But, Sidna, their hunger can be excited by a drug, and this drug is Tahar's secret." "Then to-morrow we start, though there be sand storms or rain storms, whatever the weather may be." The dragoman condoned Owen's mistake in feeding the eagles.

The dragoman answered: "Sidna, vous vous en souvenez" "Speak to me in Arabic, damn you! There is nothing to do here but to learn Arabic." "Quite true, Sidna, we shall not be able to start to-morrow; the rains are beginning again."

It tried to suck him back into the maw of the city. He fought against it with his shoulders and his knees. He tried now to run. It sucked him back. A wandering Aissaoua plucked at his sleeve and held under his nose a desert viper that gave off metallic rose glints in its slow, pained constrictions. "To the glory of Sidna Aissa, master, two sous."

"If Sidna would like to return to Tunis?" But to return to Tunis would mean returning to England, and Owen felt that his business in the desert was not yet completed; as well travel from one oasis to another in quest of eagles as anything else, and three days afterwards he rode at the head of his caravan, anxious to reach Ain Mahdy, trying to believe he had grown interested in the Arab, and would like to see him living under the rule of his own chief, even though the chief was, to a certain extent, responsible to the French Government; still, to all intents and purposes he would be a free Arab.

The dragoman pointed out to him the terrible weather they had experienced, and how glad he had been to find shelter in Laghouat. "Oui, Sidna, vous êtes maintenant au comble de regrets, mats pour rien au monde vous n'auriez fait ces étapes vers le sud."

To-morrow night the car! Or, if you say you haven't the disposal of the car, bring me horses." And again the shaking of his nerves got the better of him; again he tumbled back into the country tongue. "For the sake of God, bring me two horses! By Sidna Aissa! by the Three Hairs from the Head of the Prophet I swear it! My first-born shall be named for thee, Raoul. Only bring thou horses! Raoul!

Syddena ceaster or Sidna cester the earliest see of the Lincolnshire diocese has likewise dropped out of human memory; though Mr. Pearson suggests that it may be identical with Ancaster a notion which appears to me extremely unlikely.