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"Yes," replied the girl, "I graduate to-night. Will you be able to come?" What more should be told? With the failure of Rob Roland to get possession of the table he lost all courage and simply admitted defeat. It was Sid Wilcox who stole the book from little Wren just to avenge Ida Giles, whose lunch basket had been demolished by a motor girl.

Silvey and he sauntered over that evening after supper to make the final inspection of the work. "Just like the park diamonds, isn't it?" he asked, as Silvey stretched a pair of weary arms. "And Sid said he was glad he thought of it. And we worked like everything while he stood around!" John scarcely heard him as he stood, eyes a-dream, looking over the even, carefully raked turf.

Well, Sir, you shall have the whole thing, from beginning to end. Sedley and I were one day conversing together about women. Sid was a very deep fellow in that game: no passion you know; no love on his own side; nothing of the sort; all done by rule and compass; knew women as well as dice, and calculated the exact moment when his snares would catch them, according to the principles of geometry.

We'll run day and night, you know, and the current, at this stage of the water, can't be much less than five miles an hour. Four miles an hour will take us ninety-six miles in twenty-four hours." "Hurrah for Captain Sam!" shouted Sid Russell, "Yonder's the river, an' she's a runnin' like a mill tail, too."

"Whoopee!" came unexpectedly from Sid Todd, and, grabbing his pistol from the holster, he sent three shots into the air, just to add to the excitement. As the pistol went off, both horses gave an extra bound forward. The two young riders were almost unseated, but each quickly recovered. Then they bent low over their steeds' necks and went forward for the finish.

The tea trio, at the lower end of the garden, saw him standing in the porch, tanned, curly, graceful, and young. Horace half rose, and then sat down again. Ella stared hard. 'That must be your brother, she said. 'Yes, that's Sid, Horace answered; and then, calling out loudly: 'Come down here, Sid, and tell them to bring another cup and saucer. 'Right you are, old man, Sidney shouted.

Then the pair clinched, swung around and around, and finally went down, with Dave on top. "Break away there!" sang out Hank Snogger, and caught Dave by the ear. "Git up off him!" "Leave Porter alone!" yelled Sid Todd, and caught Snogger by the hair. "This is the boys' fight, 'tain't yours." "That's right! That's right!" came from several. "Leave the kids alone."

As Walter started Cora's machine off again, they saw a man coming out of the smithy. He helped Sid push the car in, and then stood talking with him in a friendly sort of fashion. The man's clothing was unkempt, and his general appearance anything but prepossessing. "Who's that?" asked Cora. "Him, you mean?" inquired Walter. "Oh, that's Lem Gildy. Or just plain Lem, if you like that better."

Mr. Latham sent an office boy for Czenki, who a few minutes later appeared with an inquiry in his beady black eyes and a nod of recognition for Mr. Schultze. "Sid down, Mr. Czenki," the German invited. "Sid down und draw a long breath, und den dell Mr. Laadham here someding aboud diamonds." "What is it, please?" Mr. Czenki asked of Mr. Latham. "Mr.

Two or three days later the young women of the house invited him to go to a witches' meeting. He went but felt rather frightened the whole time; however nothing happened to him, so he got over his fear and after that he used to go with them quite willingly and learnt all about witchcraft. At last they told him that he must sid atang by "eating" a human being.