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Lif' up your right hand an' an' shwear to take care of Dennie, or I'll kill you!" Bond insisted. He was a large, muscular man, towering over the slender young professor like a very giant, and in his eyes there was a cruel gleam. Vincent Burgess was at the limit of mental resistance. Lifting his shapely right hand in the shadowy light, he said wearily: "I swear it!"

Gintlemen, I am a plain shpoken man, and for me age have seen many thrying situations, but if this was me lasht day on earth I should shwear that was no more a bushtle than I am. Bushtles are never twins." Mr. Harger, of the Wisconsin, who had hidden behind the stove pipe, was asked by Mr. Smith what he thought they were, whether it might not be an infernal machine. Mr.

If he don't gittin' better, how come he'ss every day a little more kvieter, and sit' still and don't say nutting to nobody?" "Mrs. Reisen, my wife is asking me to send for her" Richling gave the folded letter a little shake as he held it by one corner "to come down here and live again." "Now, Mr. Richlin'?" "Yes." "Well, I will shwear!" She dropped into a seat.

But we are really escaped prisoners." "Yah," chimed in the Dutchman, "I shwear dat is so." "It is no fault of ours," continued the man, "that we are wearing rebel uniforms; for we were compelled to exchange with our captors, and were obliged to accept these, or go without any." "What regiment do you belong to?"

Now, wouldn't you? I'd ask Funnybone, but he's no shafer 'n I am. No shafer! You'll be good to Dennie, you said so. Shay it again!" Bond was standing now bending threateningly toward Burgess, who had also risen. "I'll do all that a gentleman ought to do." He had only one thought to pacify the drunken man and get away. And the old man understood. "Shwear it, I tell you!

I was sittin' on a bar'l in front of Pat McKibbin's store, corner of Washin'ton and streets. I was watchin' the bar'l, yer Honor, becos Pat McKibbin had some of 'em stole lately, ye see." "Could yer swear to him, Mr. O'Dougherty?" "Could I shwear to me own mother? Hivin rest her sowl! Bedad, I shud know him a thousan' years from now. Didn't he shtop and light his siggar at me poipe?

But, all th' same, fact remains, ye cannot shtart in makin' th' Force a laughin' stock by charrgin' a man av Gully's position wid murdher widout mighty shtrong evidence tu back ut. An' sizin' things up fwhat have we got, afther all, . . . right now . . . tu shwear out a warrant on? . . . Nothin', really, 'cept that he's shown us he's a bad man wid a gun!

"Providence has lately put me in possession of all the facts in this case, and has enabled me to pave the way for a reconciliation between the long-severed pair supposing that you will have the moral courage to do your kinswoman justice." "Fader Abraham, I vill do her shustice! I vill do her more as shustice. I vill tell te whole truth. I vill tell more as te whole truth, and shwear to it.