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But Quintal could stand no more of it; he ordered his comrade to "stop his noise." "Shtop my noise!" exclaimed McCoy, with a look of lofty disdain. "Yes, stop it, an' let's talk." "Well, I'm w-willin' t' talk," returned McCoy, after a grave and thoughtful pause. They chose politics as a light, agreeable subject of conversation.

"So, Mike, you are really going to be a soldier?" "Yes, sor; but faith, Mr. L., I don't see the use of me going to shtop a bullet when sure an' I'm willin' for it to go where it plazes." March 18, 1862. There has been unusual gaiety in this little village the past few days. The ladies from the surrounding plantations went to work to get up a festival to equip the new company.

Bragin," sez I, very cool; "'tis not for me to interfere wid your a-moors; but you might manage things wid more dacincy. I'm off to canteen," I sez. 'I turned on my heel an' wint away, swearin' I wud give that man a dhressin' that wud shtop him messin' about the Married Quarters for a month an' a week.

"Shtop!" he began, when a hand was thrust over his mouth. Then he was raised up by six cadets, shoved out of the back of the tent and carried away to the grove in the rear of the camp. The party had to pass two sentries, but the sentries were evidently posted, for they appeared to see nothing wrong. Hans was not allowed to speak until he was out of hearing distance of the camp.

"An' shure it's glad Oi am to say ye, fur Yan will shtop an ate wid us. It ain't duck an' grane pase, but, thank God, we hev enough an' a hearty welcome wid ivery boite. Ye say, Biddy makes me dinner ivery foine day an' Oi get a boite an' a sup for meself other toimes, an' slapes be me lone furby me Dog an' Cat an' the apples, which thayer ain't but a handful left, but fwhat thar is is yourn.

With this I handed her a ten-spot which she looked at suspiciously and said, "If ever I get that ould potato pounder over in New York it's exercise I'll give him! Sure, I'll run him from th' Bat'hry to Harlem widout a shtop for meals, bad cess to him!"

So I go back to the Wilson house, and tell them to be careful about closin up fer the night, and while I'm standin in the hall, with all the swells around me, sparklin with jewels, the board of health sends a man to lock us all in, because the Jap thats been waiter has took the smallpox and gone to the hospitle. I stood me ground. I sez, sez I, you cant shtop an officer in pursute of his duty.

By Dan'l's direction they turned to the left and followed the wind of the river for a mile or so until suddenly out of the darkness loomed a quaint little bungalow which the old German claimed to be his home. "I haf architectured it mineself, unt make it built as I like it. You vill come in unt shtop der night mit me," he said, as Wampus halted the machine before the door.

"Now all you Star of the Norths that are still alive, come over here to starboard; the chaps that are d'id, sure, can shtop where they are!"

"Now jist you shtop where ye are, me friend," rejoined Garry, putting out his hand to prevent his stirring from his seat. "Sure the cap'en an' me, with Dick Haldane here, will be enough to look afther 'em all." With this he made for the companion-way and descended the "stairs," as Elsie, ignorant of nautical nomenclature, called the ladder, the skipper following close behind him.