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Daddy's going shrimping to-day." "What a bother that net is," said Tiny. "Daddy's always mending it." "Yes, so he is, deary. It's old, you see, and we can't afford to get a new one." "I've got to get a lot of samphire to-day, and I promised Dick I'd make some more letters for him in the sand," said Tiny, meditatively. "But daddy wants you to help him with the net," suggested Mrs. Coomber.

Emma would take care of the house, and look after Peter. Riverton sighed, and shrugged its shoulders. It was a sketchy sort of arrangement, but it worked very well. Sometimes Peter provided the meals which Emma cooked, for he was expert at snaring, crabbing, shrimping, and fishing.

For she, when the ripple of the tide is fresh, and the glance of the summer morn glistening on the sands, also if a little rocky basin happens to be fit for shrimping, and only some sleepy ships at anchor in the distance look at her, fearless she because all sailors are generally down at breakfast tucks up her skirt and gayly runs upon the accustomed play-ground, with her pony left to wait for her.

Two women were shrimping in the river, the children were swimming to school, blue smoke curled up into the still air, kalo was baking among the stones, and a group of women sat sewing and making leis on the ground.

"One summer afternoon, when I had promised to go shrimping along the sands with Philip, I was waiting rather impatiently in the front drawing-room, watching Arthur handle some packets of coins he had just purchased and slowly shunt them, one or two at a time, into his own dark study and museum which was at the back of the house.

"They were going to take here there and hide her until this matter had blown over. They might have repainted her and sold her under some other name after a while, but at present she's there, I believe." "That's good news," declared Charley. "I like that boat." "And you want to watch out," Carlos added, "for a shrimping schooner of those fellows.

Accordingly, I either enjoy myself with books, of which I have a delightful stock at Antium, or I just count the waves for the rough weather prevents my shrimping! From writing my mind positively recoils.

The town called them Sally Hancock's Gang, she being their leader, though they worked separate, shrimping, cockling, digging for lug and long-lining, bawling fish through Plymouth streets, even a hovelling job at times nothing came amiss to them, and no weather.

Little Henrik had even had his father as a companion on one of his shrimping expeditions; and much of Salvé's time had since been taken up in rigging a little brig for his delighted son. The only point upon which a harmless little difference occurred was the question of Gjert's schooling.

We used to go shrimping together, and said and thought we were in love with each other; at least he certainly said he was, and I certainly thought I was. If I tell you he had bronzed curly hair and a falconish sort of face, bronzed by the sea also, it's not for his sake, I assure you, but for the story; for it was the cause of a very curious coincidence.