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Oh hapless we, whom such ill fate betides, Hurt by the beam which cheers the world besides! Who love the ling'ring frost, nice, chilling showers, While Nature's Benefit is death to ours; Who, witch-like, best in noxious mists perform, Thrive in the tempest, and enjoy the storm.

The gentle breezes wafted from the garden of their hearts shall perfume and revive the souls of men, and the revelations of their minds, even as showers, will reinvigorate the peoples and nations of the world. I am waiting, eagerly waiting for these holy ones to appear; and yet, how long will they delay their coming?

And in the camps that spread through the fresh, wet woods and the oozy uplands, still other hundreds cowered under soaked tent walls and in damp wagon boxes, listening to the rush of the continuous showers. On the afternoon of the fourth day the clouds lifted.

In such cases we may suppose the tuff to have resulted from showers of volcanic sand and scoriae, together with fragments of limestone, thrown out by a submarine explosion, similar to that which gave rise to Graham Island in 1831.

Between showers the Queen had a glimpse of the romantic scenery, and perhaps Ehrenbreitstein was most in character when the smoke from the firing of twenty thousand troops "brought home to the imagination the din and lurid splendours of a battle." The halt was made at Schlossenfels, which included among its distinguished guests Humboldt and Prince Metternich.

A charge was ordered, the crowd was driven over the bridge, and the Municipal Guard, a company of dragoons and a squadron of hussars took up a position at the foot of the Obelisk of Luxor. "Long live the dragoons!" shouted the people. "Down with the Municipal Guard!" accompanied by hootings, groans, shouts and showers of stones. The troops, with sheathed sabres, charged.

It was evident that their task was not yet done, and they would not leave, although the fire poured upon them, still increased in heat and the bullets came in showers. Presently the attack seemed to veer away from them somewhat, as if the attention of the enemy were turned elsewhere, and Paul, who was at the end of the line, crept forward a little in the thicket.

At length, however, Henry gave orders to commence the attack, and the archers advanced, leaving their stakes behind them fixed in the ground. The French cavalry on either side endeavored to close them in, but were soon obliged to retire before the thick showers of arrows poured in upon them, which destroyed four-fifths of their numbers.

If you look at me, look at me where I am: not among those whose infancy was cradled in leisure and luxury, whose life from the beginning has been carefully attuned to the finest issues, who for purity of language and dignity of mental bearing may throw down the gauntlet to the proudest nation in the world, but among those children of the soil who take its color, who share its qualities, who give out its fragrance, who love it and lay their hearts to it and grow with it, rocky and rugged, yet cherish, it may be hoped, its little dimples of verdure here and there, who show not what, with closest cultivation, it might become, but what, under the broad skies and the free winds and the common dews and showers, it is.

And the celestial Rishis and Siddhas and Gandharvas, applauded them, saying, "Excellent, Excellent!" And the tribes of Vidyadharas rained flowery showers upon them. Then the wrathful and mighty-armed Bhima of fierce prowess, baffling with his own weapons the weapons of his foe, pierced the Suta's son with many shafts.