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They ain't but two lions; bill says ten; man that wrote the bill was the other eight, I reckon." The show-girl was fastened in the central cage. The clowns raised the inner doors, and the lions shot from their cramped quarters swift as tawny arrows. They were almost against the slight figure, without seeming to observe her.

As she ran her eye over the article she saw that it was quite in harmony with the general tone and policy of the paper which catered to the jaded throngs of the Tenderloin. Truth had been cunningly distorted; flippancy, sensationalism, and a salacious double meaning ran through it all. "What's dreadful about it?" inquired her brother. "That sort of advertising does a show-girl good.

Smith," she said, shaking her head and smiling. "They've been watching that Ashtley girl you sent out West just after the er thing happened. The show-girl, you'll remember." He must have observed the swift look of relief that leaped into her eyes. "What arrant stupidity," she cried, unable to choose her words. "Why, that unhappy girl is dying a slow and awful death.

"What circles is she famous in, your wife, for her beauty?" Jim could not achieve the awful word "movies" at the moment. He prowled round it. "In professional circles." "Oh, an actress, then?" "Well, sort of." "They call everything an actress nowadays. She isn't a a chorus-girl or a show-girl?" "Lord, no!" His indignation was reassuring to a degree.

While waiting for him to appear, Sara Wrandall deliberately set herself to the task of concocting a likely and plausible excuse for intervention in behalf of the wretched show-girl. She prepared herself for his argument that the police might be right after all, and that it would be the better part of wisdom to shift the burden to their shoulders.

Grace exclaimed, with one of those flashes of inspiration peculiar to her sex, "that Fran is a show-girl!" Abbott started, but said nothing. Mrs. Gregory rose, and spoke through her mother's ear-trumpet, "Shall we go home, now?" "That Fran," repeated Grace, "is a show-girl! She is eighteen or nineteen years old, and she is a show-girl!" "Wouldn't it be best for you to ask her?" "Ask her? Her?

Asking to see "M. T. Cummings," who had signed the letter, he was presented to an efficient-looking person, evidently an elderly, retired show-girl, who directly proved him wofully deficient in knowledge of "the screen." His next experience was with a portly, prosperous-looking gentleman who had elaborate offices in a very swell skyscraper.

She was glad, for suddenly she found herself very tired. What would Abbott think? Would he, henceforth, see nothing but the show-girl of tinsel and trainer's whip, for ever showing through the clear glass of her real self? At nine-thirty, what would Abbott say to her? and how should she reply? The thought of him obscured her vision of admiring faces. Her manner lost its spontaneity.

For the purpose of getting one's name into the papers, the acquisition of a high-powered automobile may be recommended to the man who has never given a monkey dinner; whose son was never married to a show-girl in a balloon at 2.30 A.M.; whose son-in-law is neither a count, a duke, nor a prince, and does not beat his wife; who has never paid $100,000 for a Velasquez painted in 1897, or for a mediæval Florentine altar-piece made in Dayton, Ohio.

No, I ask you!" "Let me push the chair," said Abbott, stepping to Mrs. Gregory's side. He read in the troubled face that she had known this secret, also. The secretary gazed at him with a far-away look, hardly conscious that he was beating retreat, so absorbed was she in this revelation. Now, indeed, it was certain that Fran, the girl of eighteen or nineteen, Fran, the show-girl, was an impostor!