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In digging trenches men usually work in reliefs, one relief digging while the others rest, the proportion of shovelers to pick men being about 3 to 1. If a plow can be obtained to turn the sod, it will greatly facilitate the initial work of digging.

Fanned by a brisk wind, flames were spouting from amid the timbers at several points. Already men were pitching the burning beams over the side, however; and finding a shovel, Alex joined those who were smothering them with sand. "Tramps, sure!" Alex heard another of the shovelers remark angrily.

Well, I make no promises, but if you're not above all assistance I guess I might help you. You can lay off and rest your teams for two days anyway, while I turn loose the shovelers; then you'll want all the energy that's in you." In different circumstances we might have enjoyed that holiday.

Jack choked over his coffee, but Rosemary thanked the senior politely and said that she and Sarah had planned to stay and watch the shovelers a while. "This isn't a very nice neighborhood, especially after dark you know," said Frank. "We're not going to stay long," Rosemary was beginning, but Jack cut her short.

She directed every boat-load herself, and rushed the materials to the shovelers, who stood soaking wet in the driving rain. Lathers avoided her; so did McGaw. Everybody else watched her in admiration.

Gallagher pulled the reversing lever into the back gear and sent the failing steam whistling into the chilled cylinders with cautious little jerks at the throttle. The box-plow came out of the clutch of its snow vise with shrillings as of a soul in torment, and the bucking outfit screeched coldly down over the snowy rails to the "let-up," where the shovelers' box-car had been uncoupled.

"Come, now, ye blatherin' Dagos," this time to two Italian shovelers filling the buckets, "shall I throw one of ye overboard to wake ye up, or will I take a hand meself? Another shovel there that bucket's not half full" drawing one hand from her side pocket and pointing with an authoritative gesture, breaking as suddenly into a good-humored laugh over the awkwardness of their movements.

They walked up the beach a little way, then turned inland, climbed a dune covered with beachgrass and emerged upon the flat meadows which would soon be the flying field. They walked about among the sheds, the frames of the barracks, and inspected the office building from outside. There were gangs of workmen, carpenters, plumbers and shovelers, but almost no uniforms. Barbara was disappointed.

Something about watchmen and a drinking fountain, and wheels and boxes in the starch room; washing facilities for shovelers; benches and back stairs. The Finance Committee reported a deficit on the mechanical and electrical smoker. Much discussion as to why a deficit and who ought to pay it, and what precedent were they setting, and all and all, but it was ordered paidthis time.

Towards the end of the summer, the poultry-yard was possessed of a couple of fine bustards, which belonged to the houbara species, characterized by a sort of feathery mantle; a dozen shovelers, whose upper mandible was prolonged on each side by a membraneous appendage; and also some magnificent cocks, similar to the Mozambique cocks, the comb, caruncle, and epidermis being black.