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A laugh the loud, unrestrained laugh of the courtesan came from across the street. The archway was as black as night. 'Shut the door, will you? I heard Diaz' voice. 'I can't see it. Where are you? But I was not going to shut the door. 'Have you got a servant here? I asked him. 'She comes in the mornings, he replied. 'Then there is no one in your flat? 'Not a shoul, said Diaz.

‘What my father is, a royal soldier.’ ‘Oh, ye are going then to the detachment at ; by my shoul, I have a good mind to be spoiling your journey.’ ‘You are doing that already,’ said I, ‘keeping me here talking about dogs and fairies; you had better go home and get some salve to cure that place over your eye; it’s catching cold you’ll be, in so much snow.’

"Upon my shoul," cries he, "I have been near catching her already in two or three places, if I had not found her gone just as I came up with her. If she be in the house, do carry me up in the dark and show her to me; and if she be gone away before me, do tell me which way I shall go after her to meet her, and, upon my shoul, I will make you the richest poor woman in the nation."

He rode to Yaller Jacket to spend Sunda' with his wife, yuh know, an' what shoul' he do but come acrost the tripod whar Ah left it fer you boys to pick up! Mebbe Ah didn't get hail on Pagoda!" Monday and Tuesday passed very slowly to the anxious girls, and on Wednesday they began looking for the return of their scouting party.

"The man looked upon me for a moment, fixedly, then, bending his head towards his breast, he appeared to be undergoing a kind of convulsion, which was accompanied by a sound something resembling laughter; presently he looked at me, and there was a broad grin on his features. "'By my shoul, it's a thing of peace I'm thinking ye.

"With all my heart," said the generous Hibernian, "I have a great regard for the little man, and my own character is not to seek at this time of day. I have served a long apprenticeship to fighting, as this same carcase can testify, and if he compels me to run him through the body, by my shoul, I shall do it in a friendly manner."

The man looked upon me for a moment, fixedly, then, bending his head towards his breast, he appeared to be undergoing a kind of convulsion, which was accompanied by a sound something resembling laughter; presently he looked at me, and there was a broad grin on his features. "By my shoul, it's a thing of peace I'm thinking ye."

Och, then, poor dear shoul, he would be after finding that one was sufficient, if not one too many. And therefore there was no occasion, none at all, at all, and that there was not, for any of them to rig out more than one." It was hinted that the Laird had some reason for complaint at this time, but as the lady sided with her daughters, he had no chance.

"'What my father is, a royal soldier. "'Oh, ye are going then to the detachment at ; by my shoul, I have a good mind to be spoiling your journey. "'You are doing that already, said I, 'keeping me here talking about dogs and fairies; you had better go home and get some salve to cure that place over your eye; it's catching cold you'll be in so much snow.

"By my shoul, sir, it's an ignorant beast I'm thinking ye. It was not humanity I was speaking of, but the humanities, which have nothing at all to do with it." Then turning to Frank, he demanded, "Was it not yourself, Mr. Francis Ardry, that told me, when you took the liberty of introducing this person to me, that he was addicted to philosophy, prosody, and what not?"