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And they began gathering up their tools and garments. "All right, sah; all right, sah," grinned the negro. "You'uns jes clar out ob de way fer de amblance am er comin'. We dun got de right ob way dis trip, shor'." And so Frank Goodrich was established in the old log house, with the colored man to nurse him.

The ignorant villain started and glanced over his shoulder to the dark corner of the cabin; "Thar' might be a ha'nt here, shor' 'nough," he whispered hoarsely. "Do yo' know whar' ye air, Mister?" Then as Whitley remained silent, he continued: "This here's th' house whar' Dickie Falkner war' borned; an' whar' his mammy died; an' an' I'm Jake Tompkins; me 'n his daddy war' pards."

Him what fed me when I war' starvin', an' gimme his last nickel when he war' hungry hisself; an' yo' want me ter kill him." He drew a long shuddering breath. "Mister, yo' shor' made 'er bad mistake this time." "I'll fix it though," cried Whitley; and with an awful oath he leaped forward, the knife uplifted.

"I mean you, Mister. The boys has had ther' eye on ye fer sometime. We know yer huntin's all a blind, an' now Bill Davis he's come in. I aint right shor' myself er I'd a kep' mum an' he'pped 'em take ye." Whitley turned pale. "Do you mean that the people here think I'm a revenue agent looking for moonshiners?" "That's about hit, Mister, an' they'll be fer takin' ye out ter night shor'."

"Yes, I am a minister," Cameron answered, wondering much at the appearance of the darkey and his strange turn-out. And as he climbed up to the board seat, he questioned his guide rather sharply, but the only answer he could get was: "Mistah Goodrich dun tol' me ter hol' ma tongue er he'd hant me, an' I'm shor goin' t' do hit.

On the south side it must have been especially weak, for there it has disappeared altogether. Here, however, it seems probable that the Tigris and the Shor Derreh stream, to which the present obliteration of the wall may be ascribed, formed in ancient times a sufficient protection.

And you ought to give her something to eat and wear. The mother said, 'You know I can't do that hard work; I'm not used to it. After hearing this my mother talked to the colored people that would pass by and she learned for shor enough she was free. "There was a colored man there that they were keeping too. One Sunday, they were taking him to church and leaving my mother behind.

"Yer maw allus was weakly-like," faltered the other; "she'd no call ter hitch up with Bill Falkner no how; she ort ter took a man with book larnin' like her daddy, ole Jedge White. It allus made yer paw mad 'cause she knowed more'n him. But Bill lowed he'd tame her an' he shor' tried hit on.

Also thar's a writin', askin' ye ter do something fer me an' ef yo' kin do hit I will shor' be mightily obleeged ter ye." "I can't guess what on earth it is, but you may be sure that I will do it if it can be done," he answered earnestly. "Good-by, Smiles.

Her lips and eyes smiled her shy thanks, but it appeared to Donald that mischievous amusement struggled with appreciation in her look. "Something seems to be amusing you, little lady. Let me into the secret," said Donald. Her silvery laughter broke from her lips, as she answered, "I'm shor' obleeged fer the compliment yo' paid thet basket. I made hit myself." "You did?