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"A moment," said the latter; "you have spoken my first proposition, here is the conclusion of it, repeat, Raoul, repeat: 'But I regret Mazarin." "Chevalier!" "You will not say it? Well, then, I will say it twice for you." "But you would regret Mazarin?" And they were still laughing and discussing this profession of principles, when one of the shop-boys entered.

The shop-boys, slipping their arms into their long coats and dusting off their trousers and shoes after the Peking manner with their long sleeves, made one feel in a rather laughable sort of way that finality had been reached! They had that curious half-laugh on their faces which signifies an intense nervousness being politely concealed.

"A moment," said the latter; "you have spoken my first proposition, here is the conclusion of it, repeat, Raoul, repeat: 'But I regret Mazarin." "Chevalier!" "You will not say it? Well, then, I will say it twice for you." "But you would regret Mazarin?" And they were still laughing and discussing this profession of principles, when one of the shop-boys entered.

I did not see the symptom of a bargain being struck, though I was informed that a good many small tradesmen do patronize the Market, for shop-boys, nurse-girls, or household drudges. I do not know whether my appearance was particularly attractive; but the number of offers I received from domestics of all kinds would have sufficed to stock half-a-dozen establishments. "Want a boy, sir?"

For, yes; there was a moment, as they came back in the boat, in a delicious sunset, when tinted clouds floated in a glowing sky, when Madame Bayard the serious Madame Bayard whose frown turned to stone the shop-boys of the druggist, sang the air called "To the Shores of France," to the rhythmic fall of the oars, plied by her husband in his shirt-sleeves.

It became the duty of the captain of each gun to keep his own station clean; accordingly, with an old broom, or "squilgee," he proceeded to business, often quarrelling with his next-door neighbours about their scraping their snow on his premises. It was like Broadway in winter, the morning after a storm, when rival shop-boys are at work cleaning the sidewalk.

We walked through the flaring streets, jostled by drunken men and bargaining women, amid the curses of labourers, the shrill litanies of shop-boys who stood on guard by the barrels of pigs' cheeks, the nasal chanting of street-singers, who sang a come-all-you about O'Donovan Rossa, or a ballad about the troubles in our native land.

"Because he has been a workman?" "What nonsense! it would preciously become us, students and shop-boys, to give ourselves airs! No; but I am astonished at the Queen's fidelity." "Yes they've been a team for three or four good months." "She's wild upon him, and he on her." "They must lead a gay life." "Sometimes I ask myself where the devil Sleepinbuff gets all the money he spends.

Children, men, shop-boys, and, of all people in the world, a lad gathering grain stumps in the fields a long way off it has been my lot to hear them repeat sayings of mine, when they saw me, and did not think I could hear them. Into this controversy as a mere discussion we have no desire to enter. But to enable the reader to know Mr.

And that was all. Whilst, however, the horses were climbing the steep acclivity which leads from the river to the castle, several shop-boys approached the last horse, from whose saddle-bow a number of birds were suspended by the beak.