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That 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' is already an accepted maxim, is exemplified by the numerous holidays and the way in which they are spent. There must be pretty nearly a dozen public holidays in the year. Saturday is always a half-holiday. Nine till five are the accepted hours for the clerk; half-past nine till six for the shop-assistant.

After the pancake had been produced and eaten with the fingers, and the port bottle been round, the senior shop-assistant made a speech which was at once so moving and so witty that the ladies at one moment pressed their handkerchiefs to their eyes, while the head of the family bit his lips, and at the next interrupted the speaker with loud laughter and cheers.

Away she hurried, not beautiful, not supremely brilliant, but filled with something that took the place of both qualities something best described as a profound vivacity, a continual and sincere response to all that she encountered in her path through life. "If Helen had written the same to me about a shop-assistant or a penniless clerk "

The real boy must have a knife with things in it: a corkscrew, I wonder why a corkscrew? a buttonhook, a thing to take stones out of horses' hoofs, a thing to mend traces with I know I am ignorant of the technical terms but the hardest-hearted shop-assistant will never fail to help a professional aunt in the choice of a knife, unless by chance he should be unhappy enough never to have been a boy, and such cases are rare.

Mind as you stand there, you're nothing but a paid shop-assistant; and if you leave the shop, you leave it without a penny to your name." "Quite so. My name will hardly be any the worse for that. You're sure you've decided? You really do not want to keep me?" After all, did he want to keep him, to be unsettled in his conscience and ruined in his trade?

Subtract the shop-assistant from her, and naught remained. Benighted and spiritually dead, she existed by habit. But for Charles Critchlow she happened to be an illusion. He had cast eyes on her and had seen youth, innocence, virginity. During eight years the moth Charles had flitted round the lamp of her brilliance, and was now singed past escape.

Rose was some little shop-assistant " "Ah, no! I remember now!" Lady Martin spoke mysteriously, and Mrs. Madgwick looked up sharply. "Mrs. Rose was not in a shop. It was not there that Mr. Rose met her. As a matter of fact she was his typist." "His typist! Ah!" Toni, listening breathlessly, could not fathom the significance of the lady's tone.

The recollection of her firmness in refusing flattered her vanity as a girl convinced that she could take care of herself. To go to Paris unmarried would have been an inconceivable madness. The mere thought of the enormity did outrage to her moral susceptibilities. No, Gerald had most perfectly mistaken her for another sort of girl; as, for instance, a shop-assistant or a barmaid!

If we take the average man of what is called the lower middle class, the typical specimen of which would be a small shopkeeper or shop-assistant, his average life in the astral world would be perhaps about forty years, and the life in the mental world about two hundred.

That’s no reason to lose my property. I call that sharp practice, Frau Schimmelweis, that’s what I call it.” “What did Herr Wachsmuth buy of us?” Theresa turned to the shop-assistant. “Schlosser’s ‘History of the World,’” was the prompt answer. “Then you’d better read your contract,” Theresa said to the workingman. “The terms are all fixed there.”