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I rented a good airy house in Colombo as headquarters, and the verandas were soon strewed with jungle-baskets, boxes, tent, gun-cases, and all the paraphernalia of a shooting-trip. What unforeseen and apparently trivial incidents may upset all our plans for the future and turn our whole course of life!

The officers swaggered in the gayest of uniforms; the men were shoeless, dirty and slovenly. A shooting-trip had been arranged for us: a steam launch on the lake, Indians as carriers, mules, etc. etc., but my friend declined for want of time. Among the fauna of the country are common and black jaguars, tapirs, manatees, peccaries, boas, cougars or pumas, and alligators.

You made defects in the circumstantial evidence, the imminent problems of our own salvation. You put us all on trial. We were under the lash of fear. If we parsons could only do that from the pulpit!" "We will discuss that on our shooting-trip next week. Duck-shooting gives plenty of time for theological asides. You are coming, eh?"

And I drew a long breath of relief, for with all their drawbacks, men are not a bad thing to have about, now and then! Thursday the Twenty-second It was early Tuesday morning that Dinky-Dunk firmly announced that he and I were going off on a three-day shooting-trip. I hadn't slept well, the night before, for my nerves were still rather upset, and Dinky-Dunk said I needed a picnic.

I've got only one great gift of God by which I hold my power. When that's gone, all is gone. Wise people have told me so. I know it is true. She rose slowly, came and stood close beside me. 'It's it's this that I'm still my own. Do you want to to rob me?" Leighton paused, staring into the fire. "That was the time," he said, "I went off on my longest shooting-trip. I never saw her again."

She did not move away. "I want to kiss you," said Lewis, and trembled as he heard his own words. The woman did not start. She turned her face slowly toward his. "And I want you to," she said. Within two weeks of Lewis's departure for South America, Leighton returned from his shooting-trip.

Not that any difficulty was apprehended, but it was felt to be better to keep up discipline, even when only engaged upon a shooting-trip, though every act that might be interpreted by the Malays into a want of confidence, was carefully avoided.

"Happier than I thought I ever could be again," she answered, with an evasion. "Once," he began, in a remote tone, "I was in Arabia with a native serving-man whom I tried to persuade to follow me on a shooting-trip in the desert. He said he couldn't go because he had a wife who wouldn't leave him.

You made defects in the circumstantial evidence, the imminent problems of our own salvation. You put us all on trial. We were under the lash of fear. If we parsons could only do that from the pulpit!" "We will discuss that on our shooting-trip next week. Duck-shooting gives plenty of time for theological asides. You are coming, eh?"

Here and there, though, an officer had a shooting-trip, but it was thought better to wait until the confidence of the natives had been more thoroughly won, and the disaffected party of Rajah Gantang dismissed. The sultan seemed to have quite forgotten his rejection by the ladies, and was most liberal in his presentations of fruit and fresh provisions.