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Still that's enough," and he looked at the solid stream, flowing swiftly but silently between the heavy planks. "It would make a good shoot-the-chutes," observed Nat. "Rather risky," observed the miner. "You couldn't stop until you got to the end of it and it's a long ride. Have to look out for the cross pieces, too." A sudden light seemed to come into Jack's eyes as he turned away.

Three tables, placed end to end at the rail of a Shoot-the-Chutes lake, were required to accommodate Heinrich Schnitt's party. First, there was Heinrich himself, white as wax and stoop-shouldered and extremely clean. At the other end of the table sat Mama Schnitt, who bulged, and always had butter on her thumb.

Sandy placed the Wash Lady's sack at the top of the slide, and before the children could so much as wink, it had slid off into the darkness and disappeared from sight. "Oh, my!" cried Ann, "Is it a shoot-the-chutes? Does it bump when it gets there?" "No, no," said the Sandman.

"Got it! Don't worry!" The wind died down to the roar, passed back into the whistling shriek and diminished to a steady whisper. In the comparative quiet O'Keefe's tones now came in normal volume. "Some little shoot-the-chutes, what?" he shouted. "Say if they had this at Coney Island or the Crystal Palace! Press all the way in these holes and she goes top-high. Diminish pressure diminish speed.

His eyes sought Höflinger as if to question him, but strayed aside bewildered and turned to the sunbeams and their glaring torture. The siren cried. It howled. It blew a triumphant blast. It played tricks like the sirens of a merry-go-round or shoot-the-chutes. Finally it stopped on one note which it repeated with full force, half a minute at the time, again and again and always at the same pitch.

In the other half is a pond with a shoot-the-chutes runnin' down into it. "'Where's the lake? Peewee says to Orphy. "'Right in front of your nose, says Orphy, pointin' at the pond. "'She's some body of water, says Peewee. 'If you ain't careful a big rough guy'll come along here with a tin cup some dark night 'n' go south with her. "'I guess not, says Orphy. 'She's four feet deep in spots.

A sudden heavy June rain up above there would pour down a torrent that would drown us before we could run three hundred yards. Imagine a flood roaring down that bumpy shoot-the-chutes." "I can't! It's too terrifying. Is that the way it will be if you get the water and dig the tunnel?" "No.

Lynching, in brief, is a phenomenon of isolated and stupid communities, a mark of imperfect civilization; it follows the hookworm and malaria belt; it shows itself in inverse proportion to the number of shoot-the-chutes, symphony orchestras, roof gardens, theatres, horse races, yellow journals and automatic pianos. No one ever heard of a lynching in Paris, at Newport, or in London.