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"Forasmuch as the common fine and amercement of the whole county in Eyre of the justices for false judgments, or for other trespass, is unjustly assessed by sheriffs and baretors in the shires, it is provided, and the king wills, that frown henceforth such sums shall be assessed before the justices in Eyre, afore their departure, by the oath of knights and other honest men," &c. 3 Edward I., Ch. 18.

There are no Parliaments but in monarchical governments; for in Venice, the Netherlands, and other free governments there are none. The head is to call the body together; and for the clergy the bishops are chief, for shires their knights, for towns and cities their burgesses and citizens. They are to offer supply for his necessity, and he to distribute, in recompense thereof, justice and mercy.

They usually married beneath the rank of their fathers and thus formed a link binding the nobility to the commons of the country. Often the sons and brothers of earls were sent to Parliament as representatives of the shires, and as such sat side by side with shopkeepers and artisans from the towns.

He was going to his brother, who had a big farm in the shires a proper farm, with great fields each of which was nearly as big as a marsh farm, fifty, seventy, a hundred acres even. Joanna bitterly resented Arthur's going, but she could not prevent it, for if he stayed Ellen threatened to go herself. "I'll get a post as lady's-maid sooner than stay on here with you and Arthur.

It was the king's first visit to the northern shires which he had restored to the English crown; he visited and fortified the most important border castles, and then through the bitter winter months he journeyed to Yorkshire, the fastnesses of the Peak, Nottingham, and the midland and southern counties. The progress ended at Worcester on Easter Day, 1158.

The fact is well known to every field-naturalist, and with reference to England several examples may be found in Charles Dixon's Among the Birds in Northern Shires. S.W. Baker, Wild Beasts, etc., vol. i. p. 316. Tschudi, Thierleben der Alpenwelt, p. 404. Houzeau's Etudes, ii. 463.

When questioned again as to the future, Lord Chiltern scowled, and at last declared that it was his idea to live abroad in the summer for his wife's recreation, and somewhere down in the shires during the winter for his own.

Heywood tells me that there are many Catholics among the lower classes in Lancashire and Cheshire, probably the descendants of retainers of the old Catholic nobility and gentry, who are more numerous in these shires than in other parts of England. The present Lord Sefton's grandfather was the first of that race who became Protestant. December 25th.

His cheeks were full and the heavy mouth was pursed like that of a man in constant painful meditation. He looked at first sight a grazier from the shires or some new-made squire of a moderate estate. But the eyes forbade that conclusion.

When the French had displaced this as the language of culture, there was no longer a "king's English" or any literary standard. The sources of modern standard English are to be found in the East Midland, spoken in Lincoln, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, and neighboring shires.