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At midnight, the ladies began to yawn, and had evidently seen enough of the dazzling spectacle; and the boat was moored to a tree for the rest of the night. At daylight we were moving again, and in the middle of the forenoon we reached the mouth of the river, and ran alongside of the Sylvania. We found our ship-keepers in good condition; but both of them wanted to go with us up the St.

P.S. We are close ship-keepers, being all on board by six o'clock; a very proper regulation. I do not expect to sail before the fleet proceeds to the French coast, when I hope our accounts will prove more favourable.

The Conrad now remains in charge of a warrant officer and two ship-keepers, awaiting to be properly claimed or disposed of as the Government may direct. Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to Sir P. Wodehouse. January 6, 1864.

During our absence the ship-keepers had been busy rigging one of the cutting falls, an immense fourfold tackle from the main lowermast-head, of four-inch rope through great double blocks, large as those used at dockyards for lifting ships' masts and boilers.

The ship-keepers had trimmed the yards to the wind and hauled up the courses, so that simply putting the helm down deadened our way, and allowed the boats to run clear without danger of fouling one another. To shove off and hoist sail was the work of a few moments, and with a fine working breeze away we went.

Don't you see, sir, that every minute or two he strikes down, instead of sculling off handsomely and with a wide sweep, as becomes a whale?" "That is just the motion I distrust, Stephen, and I shall wait a bit to see what he would be at. I hope those ship-keepers will be busy, and work the schooners well up to windward before it gets to be dark.

Then, and not until then, the tall, strapping young fellow upon the poop familiarly referred to by Captain Burroughs as "Garge," and henceforth to be known to us as George Saint Leger and the hero of the moving story which the writer proposes to set forth in the following pages descended to the main deck, uttered a word or two of greeting and caution to the two sturdy ship-keepers who had already come on board to take care of ship and cargo during the absence of the crew, and with quick, springy step, strode to the gang-plank, and so to the wharf, whither the captain, in Mr Marshall's company, had preceded him.

There was a gentle wind blowing, and the boats' crews, having hoisted the sails, were fast leaving the ship. Captain Coffin now ordered the men to get a spare boat from its cranes over the quarter-deck and fit it with whaling implements. There were only a few of us left on board for ship-keepers. We quickly had the boat down from its cranes, and everything ready for launching.

There's the chink I promised you," said Jack, tossing a gold coin down to the boy, who scrambled for it as though some one was trying to get it away from him. "But what has become of the two ship-keepers?" said Marcy. "They were told to remain on board till we came."

Now, in the whale ship, it is not every one that goes in the boats. Some few hands are reserved called ship-keepers, whose province it is to work the vessel while the boats are pursuing the whale. As a general thing, these ship-keepers are as hardy fellows as the men comprising the boats' crews.