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The ship-boys, Karl and Albert, always stole the eggs, the captain was sure, as soon as they were laid, though he was never able to catch them at it. "Run," he would shout hurriedly to me, "there! I hear the hens cackling. They've laid an egg." I'd run. But there'd be no egg. Someone would have reached the nest, from the forecastle, before I did.

"Tell me, Roderick," she continued, careful not to alarm his jealousy by any sudden allusion to his manner; "tell me of this life of yours. You find it merry?" "I find it sad." "'Tis strange. The young ship-boys are ever among the merriest of mortals. Perhaps your office! treats you with severity." No answer was given. "I am then right: Your Captain is a tyrant?"

The man who was still on watch in the passage looked at her attentively, but said nothing; and Plessis, who was at the door speaking to two ship-boys, said merely, "It is very cold and very late, madame. I wonder you don't get cold with such late walks."

Two ship-boys and a baker feared not to seek death, and threw themselves into the sea, after having bid farewell to their companions in misfortune. Already the minds of our people were singularly altered; some believed they saw land, others ships which were coming to save us; all talked aloud of their fallacious visions. We lamented the loss of our unfortunate companions.

For a whole week the Captain read of all the found and missing people in all the newspapers and handbills, and went forth on expeditions at all hours of the day to identify Solomon Gills, in poor little ship-boys who had fallen overboard, and in tall foreigners with dark beards who had taken poison 'to make sure, Captain Cuttle said, 'that it wam't him. It is a sure thing that it never was, and that the good Captain had no other satisfaction.

He told them how red-hot shot are dropped into a cannon, a wad of wet clay between them and the cartridge; how they sizzle and reek when they strike wood, and how the little ship-boys of the Miss Jim Buck hove water over them and shouted to the fort to try again. Tom Platt had no use for steam. His service closed when that thing was comparatively new.

Jeannette smiled, for she thought that there was very little probability of the two young ship-boys ever getting prize-money sufficient to pay for such a boat as they required, to make a voyage across the Channel. Bill was anxious to get back to poor Jack, who he remembered was well-nigh starving.

The crews worked the guns and manoeuvred the sails, and the most the lads could do was to relieve the ship-boys in carrying up powder and shot, and to take round drink to men serving the guns.

Ship-boys were discovering the delicate wines and fine liqueurs, which a wise foresight had placed in reserve. Soldiers and sailors were penetrating even into the spirit-room, broaching casks, staving others, and drinking till they fell exhausted. Soon the tumult of the inebriated made us forget the roaring of the sea which threatened to ingulf us.

Happily for the country, her navy was staunch, and many of the most gallant admirals whose names have been handed down to fame commanded her fleets; the captains, officers, and crews, down to the youngest ship-boys, tried to imitate their example, and enabled her in the unequal struggle to come off victorious.