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Shillito thought he meant all he said, and his threat carried weight. The old fellow was, of course, not a match for the vigorous young man, but Shillito saw he had the power to do him an injury that was not altogether physical. He pondered for a few moments, and then got up. "I'll pull out," he said with a coolness that cost him much. Cartwright nodded. "There's another thing.

Besides, one could trust Lister and he knew ... She signed agreement and he touched Shillito. "Get off the veranda!" Shillito did not move. His pose was tense and he looked malevolent. "You won't help Miss Hyslop by butting in like a clumsy fool. The thing's too delicate for you to meddle " "Get off the veranda!" Lister shouted, and threw Shillito back.

"He doesn't know; I think I didn't want him to know," Barbara admitted with some embarrassment. "Shillito knew, but one learns caution," Cartwright remarked. "Well, Shillito became somewhat of a nuisance, and I don't imagine you want him to look us up again. I rather think I must get to work." "I hate him!" said Barbara, passionately.

"On the whole, I think the plan I've indicated will work. If it does not and you speak to any member of Mrs. Cartwright's family, I'll thrash you on the veranda when people are about. I won't state my grounds for doing so; they ought to be obvious." Shillito looked at the other hand. Cartwright's eyes were bloodshot, his face was going purple, and he thrust out his heavy chin.

I expect you read about him in the newspapers?" Lister smiled and, pushing back his cap, touched his forehead. "I know something about Shillito. That's his mark!" "Then you were the man he knocked out!" Vernon exclaimed. "But he hasn't got your money. Why did you help the police?" "It isn't very obvious. Somehow, I didn't like the fellow. Then, you see, the girl " "The girl?

He was highly strung, and worn by want of sleep and exhausting labor, but he had some notion of all Barbara had borne on Shillito's account. Although perhaps caution and tact were indicated, he was going to use force. When Shillito struck him he seized the fellow, and rocking in a savage grapple, they fell with a crash against the rails.

The outcome was that Lady Shillito at the inquest found herself "in a very unpleasant position" and was placed under arrest, and later charged with the murder of her husband. Believing herself guilty she summoned all her resolution to her aid, admitted nothing, appealed to Michael Rossiter and others for advice. Thus David was drawn into the business.

"We have heard something about you, and do not think you ought to remain at Las Palmas," he remarked. "In fact, since we understand you meant to go to Cuba, we expect you to start by the Lopez boat." "I don't mean to go to Cuba," Shillito rejoined. Don Ramon shrugged. "Well, we do not mind if you sail for another country. Numerous steamers touch here and the choice is yours.

Shillito ought to have sent his apologies when he found he could not come," he said. Barbara's glance got fixed, and Cartwright knew he had blundered. "Oh!" she said, "now I begin to see! Mother kept me by her all the evening; but mother's not very clever and Mortimer's too fastidious to meddle, unless he gets a dignified part. Of course, the plot was yours!" Cartwright nodded.

It's something to know when you can trust people, and I did know." Lister was embarrassed, but her gentleness had charm. He did not want her to resume her other manner. Then he was tempted to make an experiment. "You know Shillito got away?" Her lips trembled and the blood came to her skin, but she fronted him bravely and he felt ashamed. "Yes," she said.