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A stormy night came on, and the deserted Shetlander saw no prospect before him but that of perishing from cold and hunger, or of being washed into the sea by the breakers which threatened to dash over the rocks.

A bargain was struck, and Gioga clad herself in her amphibious garb; but the Shetlander, alarmed at the sight of the stormy main that he was to ride through, prudently begged leave of the matron, for his better preservation, that he might be allowed to cut a few holes in her shoulders and flanks, in order to procure, between the skin and the flesh, a better fastening for his hands and feet.

"I am a Shetlander, sir. I have been brought up to keep my word. Though I was pressed, I have done my duty. It was I, sir, who hauled down the flag of the Cleopatra when we took her." While he was speaking, a midshipman brought him a letter. He opened it, and glancing over the few lines it contained, his eye brightened. I stood watching, resolved not to be defeated.

The worthy carpenter, James Foubister by name, also a Shetlander, sided with Andrew, and promised not to desert the old captain. Their example influenced most of the other men attached to the boat, who agreed, should the rest of the party do as they proposed, to remain with them. By exerting themselves to the utmost they overtook the sledge parties soon after they had encamped.

And so it is that one portion of the inhabitants of horsedom, pointing to the Shetlander, cry out that "the convicts have too much food, they are up to the eyes in luxuries;" another portion, pointing to the dray horse, say "the convicts are starved, and are dying of hunger;" whilst a third answers both by pointing to the farm horse and saying that "he can do the work and satisfy the law.

"Lie down, Surly Grind, and treat my visitors with respect," said Lawrence; and the dog, which had lifted up his head and begun to growl and snarl, crouched down as before. "Now, take your seat, man, and I'll show you how a true Shetlander can pull," said Lawrence, taking his place at the oars and giving several rapid strokes.

Lord Claymore, who took an interest in all serving with him, observed Morton's depressed spirits. He, did not, however, inquire directly into the cause. "By-the-by, Morton, you are a Shetlander, if I recollect rightly," he exclaimed. "I have been lately among your people, and a kind-hearted, hospitable race they are.

The captain of the Elizabeth owned the vessel and was very fond of her; consequently he was not long in finding out the splendid sea qualities of the young Shetlander. On the fourth voyage he made David his mate, and together they managed the Elizabeth so cleverly that she became famous for her speed and good fortune.

"And now you have come you must stay with us and turn back into a Shetlander. What do you say to my proposal?" "Oh, do stay with us, Cousin Peter!" exclaimed Maggie, taking my hand and looking up in my face. "Indeed, I should like very much to do so," I answered, "but there is my sister Mary, and I cannot desert her, even though I know that she is well off with Mr Gray."

While the little Shetlander is in clover; he never had so many oats before has actually as much again as he can consume and the cart and harness being too large, and the load altogether ridiculous for his strength, he is never put to it, and so escapes the legal punishment.