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Shenac smiled to herself as she thought of her mother's many messages and her dreaded mission to John Firinn. It did not seem much like play to her. But burdens have a way of slipping easily from young shoulders, and the two Shenacs went on their way cheerily enough, and I daresay a stranger meeting them might have fancied that our Shenac was the lighter-hearted of the two.

"But it would be a pity to lose it. What a lot of it there is!" And the boy walked round his sister, touching it as he went. "She never meant to do it; but after that she could not," said Shenac Dhu, pretending to whisper. "Our Shenac never says what she doesn't mean," said Dan hotly. "Whatever other people's Shenacs do," said Hamish laughing.

He did not plead as one who feared denial, but trustfully, joyfully, seeking first that God's will might be done in them and theirs. Hamish was not afraid; nothing could be plainer than that. So the two Shenacs took a little comfort, and waited and trusted still. And so they waited.

There was some pleasure-seeking then, in a quiet way; for the newly-married pair were entertained by their friends, and there were a few modest gatherings in the new house, and the hands of the two Shenacs were full with the preparations, and with the arrangement of new furniture, and making all things as they ought to be in the new house. But in the midst of the pleasant bustle Hamish fell ill.

Oh yes, they are fast friends, the two Shenacs. You should have seen them the night Angus Dhu came to speak to my mother about the letter that came from Evan. Our Shenac was as proud of you as a hen is of one chicken, though she did not let the old man see it; and Shenac Dhu was as bad, and said over and over again to her father, `I told you, father, that Allister was good and true.

"Anger him!" cried Dan. "You may be sure she did. She's as grand as if she were the first lady in the country." This was greeted by a burst of merry laughter from the two Shenacs. Even the mother laughed a little, it was so absurd a charge to bring against Shenac. Dan looked sheepishly from one to the other.

"No; what was it?" said Allister surprised, and a little curious. "Oh, you should have heard these girls," said Dan mischievously. "Such stuff as they have been talking!" "The chief of the clan, and the boss of the shanty," said Hamish gravely; "and that was you, Dan, was it not?" "Oh! what I said is nothing. It was the two Shenacs," said Dan.

She's only a girl, and it does not matter what she thinks. But how it vexed her to be told what our Shenac said about her father." "But the two Shenacs were never unfriendly?" said Allister incredulously. "No," said Dan; "I don't think they ever were. Partly because Shenac yonder did not believe all I said, I suppose, and partly because she was vexed herself with her father.