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The people who came with Sheakondo to our bivouac had their teeth filed to a point by way of beautifying them, though those which were left untouched were always the whitest; they are generally tattooed in various parts, but chiefly on the abdomen: the skin is raised in small elevated cicatrices, each nearly half an inch long and a quarter of an inch in diameter, so that a number of them may constitute a star, or other device.

Message to Masiko, the Barotse Chief, regarding the Captives Navigation of the Leeambye Capabilities of this District The Leeba Flowers and Bees Buffalo-hunt Field for a Botanist Young Alligators; their savage Nature Suspicion of the Balonda Sekelenke's Present A Man and his two Wives Hunters Message from Manenko, a female Chief Mambari Traders A Dream Sheakondo and his People Teeth-filing Desire for Butter Interview with Nyamoana, another female Chief Court Etiquette Hair versus Wool Increase of Superstition Arrival of Manenko; her Appearance and Husband Mode of Salutation Anklets Embassy, with a Present from Masiko Roast Beef Manioc Magic Lantern Manenko an accomplished Scold: compels us to wait Unsuccessful Zebra-hunt.

We sent a message to the head man, who soon appeared with two wives, bearing handsome presents of manioc: Sheakondo could speak the language of the Barotse well, and seemed awestruck when told some of the "words of God". He manifested no fear, always spoke frankly, and when he made an asseveration, did so by simply pointing up to the sky above him.

They entered the canoes at last, and were the better of a little scolding for being inclined to put dreams before authority. It rained all the morning, but about eleven we reached the village of Sheakondo, on a small stream named Lonkonye.