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During these days the three officers lived high. Turtle were plentiful, and what with their steaks and soups, the fried abalones, the sea-fish, the really delicious shark-fins, and the quail that Charlie and Wilbur trapped along the shore, the trio had nothing to wish for in the way of table luxuries.

Many and many a mile of ground has yielded to the tireless charging of Ocean's cavalry: far out you can see, through a good glass, the porpoises at play where of old the sugar-cane shook out its million bannerets; and shark-fins now seam deep water above a site where pigeons used to coo.

The tide went down the beach, the typhoon whirled its raging center off to sea, and the tropic moon shone out, lighting up, between the beach and barrier reef, a heaving stretch of oily lagoon on which appeared and disappeared hundreds of shark-fins quickly darting, and, out on the barrier reef, perched high, yet still pounded by the ocean combers raised by the storm, a fragment of ship's stern with a stump of mizzenmast.

Ever hear of Wong's? Opium, pearls, oils and shark-fins?" "No." "Not many do. I know Singapore like the lines on my hands. Wong is the shrewdest, most lawless Chinaman this side of Canton and Macao. Pipes, pearls and shark-fins. Did you know that the bay out there is so full of sharks that they have to stand on their tails for lack of space? Big money. Wong's the man to go to.

They're scavengers, as you might say pick up what they can find or plunder along shore abalones, shark-fins, pickings of wrecks, old brass and copper, seals perhaps, turtle and shell. Between whiles they fish for shrimp, and I've heard Kitchell tell how they make pearls by dropping bird-shot into oysters.

Saw the immeasurable panics, noiseless, scintillant, which silver, summer after summer, curved leagues of beach with bodies of little fish the yearly massacre of migrating populations, nations of sea-trout, driven from their element by terror; and the winnowing of shark-fins, and the rushing of porpoises, and the rising of the grande-ecaille, like a pillar of flame, and the diving and pitching and fighting of the frigates and the gulls, and the armored hordes of crabs swarming out to clear the slope after the carnage and the gorging had been done;