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"Here vos a shirt as can't be beat for der money neglegee boosom an' turnover cuffs, warranted shrunk, and all for vun dollar." Spike. "Come off, Aaron, come off! Fifty cents is th' bid!" Salesman. "Fifty cents? Vy, on Broadvay dey'd sharge you " Spike. "Wake up, Ike! This ain't Broadway! And fifty's the limit!" Salesman. "But shust look at dem pink shtripes so vide as an inch!

The bedstead was soon taken down and removed to Mr. Swartz's store. "Sharge one huntred tollars for dat pedstead," he remarked to his clerk as soon as it had arrived. While he was rejoicing at the good speculation he had made, the soldier's wife sat on a box in her room feeding her half famished children.

Putler, wha is a very decent pody, to make any such sharge to a lady who comes from my house, or his Grace's, which is the same thing. And speaking of garrisons, in the year forty-five, I was poot with a garrison of twenty of my lads in the house of Inver-Garry, whilk had near been unhappily, for" "I beg your pardon, sir But I wish I could think of some way of indemnifying this good lady."

Approaching Orderly Sergeant John T. Tucker, and lifting the flap of his cartridge box, which was empty, he said, "Bah, bah, mon Dieu; I dust know dot you ish been hunting de squirrel and de rabbit. Mon Dieu! you sharge yourself mit fifteen tollars for wasting sixty cartridges at twenty-five cents apiece. Bah, bah, mon Dieu; I dust report you to Sheneral Bragg."

The clerk did as he was requested, and soon after returned with the intelligence that the dray was ready. "Do you follow dis voman to her house, and she vill give you a pedstead. Bring it down here," and then he added, speaking to the clerk who had not yet left the room: "Vat does te trayman sharge." "One dollar and a half," was the reply.

Wick should lie down as soon as possible you might show us those third floor rooms." Then he recovered his dignity and glanced at Madame more in sorrow than in anger. "Certainly, sare," she said severely. "Will you use the lift? For the lift there is no sharge." "That," said the Senator, "is real liberal." In moments of emotion poppa often dropped into an Americanism.

Claire was aware that a woman whom she had not noticed so much smaller than the dumplings, so much less vigorous than the salt pork was she was speaking: "Aber, papa, dot's a shame you sharge de poor young lady dot, when she drive by sei self. Vot she t'ink of de Sherman people?" The farmer merely grunted. To Claire, "Yuh, four dollars. Dot's what I usually charge sometimes." "Usually?

Putler, wha is a very decent pody, to make any such sharge to a lady who comes from my house, or his Grace's, which is the same thing. And speaking of garrisons, in the year forty-five, I was poot with a garrison of twenty of my lads in the house of Inver-Garry, whilk had near been unhappily, for " "I beg your pardon, sir But I wish I could think of some way of indemnifying this good lady."