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Essec Powell will have to shut up his old books for a few days now, and poor Valmai will have rest. Marged Hughes says she is reading to him for hours every day, but once she can get out of his sight he forgets all about her, and goes on reading himself." "When does he prepare his sermons?" said Cardo. "Prepare his sermons!" said Shanw indignantly.

As usual after supper he followed Betto into the old kitchen, where the servants were assembled for supper, and where Shanw was again holding forth, to her own delight and Betto's disgust, on the coming glories of the Sassiwn. "To-morrow evening will be the first meeting." "Will it be in the field?" asked Cardo. "Oh, no, Ser; the first is in the chapel always, and no strangers are there.

"They may well give them bread and meat," she said, "for I don't see what else they have to give them." "What else, indeed," said Shanw, ready for the frequent fray. "They won't have your hum-drum old church fregot , perhaps, but you come and see, and hear Hughes Bangor, Price Merthyr, Jones Welshpool. Nothing to give them, indeed!

Jini 'bakkare' has two sacks of flour to bake, and there's seven other women in Abersethin will bake the same quantity." "At Morfa," said Shanw, "they have killed a cow and a sheep; and the tongues, and fowls, and hams will fill every oven in the parish." Betto sniffed and tossed her head scornfully.